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AUGUST 12, 2012 


California Budget vs Jim Nielsen


Today's guest: Jim Nielsen


BIOGRAPHY: Assemblyman Jim Nielsen was first elected in November 2008 as representative of the Second Assembly District, which includes Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama and Yolo counties.

Currently, Nielsen is serving as the Vice Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, and as a member of the Appropriations, Veterans Affairs, and Rules Committees. In his capacity as Vice Chairman he has led the effort to cut tens of billions of dollars of waste from the state budget, and prevent more taxes from being raised on Californians.

One of Nielsen's highest priorities is eliminating the excessive, out of control agency and government regulations. He believes that the state would be best governed if let to govern itself, and he is committed to cut on the burdens that limit business operation in California.

Last year Nielsen has led the fight against the Public Safety Realignment, as the authority on this issue within the Legislature. His role at the Board of Prison Terms (1991-2000) where he became a chairman has provided him with a vast expertise on public safety issues, as well as a unique understanding of the inner workings of California's prison system.
In 2010, Assemblyman Nielsen sponsored a measure to save the Williamson Act, which enables local governments to enter into contracts with private landowners for the purpose of protecting agricultural uses such as farming and ranching.

In the first two years of his State Assembly service, Nielsen was part of the Water Conference Committee and worked to produce a water plan for California that protects water rights for Northern California.

Nielsen's lifelong commitment is represented by three words - faith, family and leadership, which he has exemplified through many years of service in the public sector. As a native son of California, Nielsen strongly believes in this state. Raised in the San Joaquin Valley, Jim Nielsen was a farmer and rancher prior to his election to the California State Senate in 1978, as one of those referred to as "Prop 13 babies", elected on a platform of easing the burden of property tax. Nielsen was elected to represent the North State for three terms in the State Senate, where he served as Senate Republican Leader from 1983-1987, and was the youngest Republican Leader ever elected.

As Senate Republican Leader, Nielsen worked side-by-side with Republican Governor George Deukmejian, and later with Governor Pete Wilson, to pursue an agenda of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

Mr. Nielsen graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness in 1967 from Fresno State College. From 1974-1975 he also participated in the Agricultural Leadership Fellowship, a two-year leadership training program comprised of 30 agriculturalists selected from throughout California. He was the first fellow elected to the California State Legislature in 1978. Assemblyman Nielsen was the recipient of multiple certifications and enrolled in continuing education courses relative to agricultural management and consulting.

Assemblyman Nielsen lives in Gerber with his wife, Marilyn, who is currently serving as the Interim Director of the California Arts Council. They have two daughters, three sons, and three grandchildren.

video: Assemblyman Jim Nielsen spoke up against Assembly Bill (AB) 2179, which would extend the authority of the Department of Fish and Game by allowing it to impose administrative civil penalties amounting up to $20,000 upon any person who has violated any provision of the code or regulations adopted by the Commission. In spite of Nielsen's comments, AB 2179 was passed on a majority, Democrat vote in the California State Assembly, and will be considered for a vote in the Senate in the next few weeks.
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