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MARCH 10, 2013 



Agenda 21 and Local Government
Today's guest: Gary Cadd - Redding City Council Member



Born in Willits and raised in Ukiah, California, Gary Cadd attended local schools and worked for the U.S. Postal Service and United Parcel Service following graduation.

In 1977, Gary moved to Anchorage, Alaska, where he contracted with multiple companies as an oil field technician on the North Slope of Alaska. Any and all spare time was spent pursuing his passion of fishing for King, Silver, and Red Salmon on the Kenai River.

As a Legislative Aide for a member of the Alaskan Legislature, Gary assisted in resolving constituent problems surrounding state fisheries issues, fire training protocols, Child Support Services, and Family Youth Services, as well as moving legislation through the Alaska Legislature. He also held a position as a sport fishing representative to the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council's Advisory panel.

After residing in Alaska for 27 years, Gary moved to Redding where he married his high school sweetheart. His interest in local government prompted him to attend numerous meetings including but not limited to those of the Redding City Council, Shasta County Board of Supervisors, Shasta Local Agency Formation Commission, and the Shasta Regional Transportation Agency. He also held a position on the Redding Electric Utility Billing Review Committee, the Redding Traffic Impact Fee Committee, and the Redding Streets and Roads Work Group Committee. In November 2012, Gary was successfully elected as a council member for a four-year term on the Redding City Council.
Bay Area Regional Government plan: ABAG    ABAG.pdf
There is a crucial inter-relationship between land use, infrastructure, pricing, technology, and individual behavior in meeting the regional targets. While powerful, land-use changes alone will not be sufficient in reducing our transportation - related emissions. Reducing emissions from the transportation sector will require new transportation infrastructure, like rail extensions, more buses and even some freeway improvements. Reducing emissions will also require
technological improvements to our cars so that they burn cleaner and use less gasoline per mile. We will also need to implement pricing measures - like parking fees, toll lane charges and bridge tolls - so that more people become inspired
through their wallets to use their cars less. We will need a major shift in personal behavior, where more people simply choose, for whatever reason, to drive less, walk or take transit over driving.

If we seriously intend to reduce this region’s transportation carbon emissions, each of these strategies will be necessary.There is no one solution. There will be no easy answers. And in all actuality, land use, infrastructure, technology, pricing, and behavioral changes are highly dependent on one another for any one measure to succeed. For transit to succeed, sufficient densities need to be in place. If driving becomes more expensive, then we need to have affordable options available. If we want people to choose walking or transit, we have to build our communities at a pedestrian scale and have real transit options available.

Climate Action Plans
At the moment the Shasta Air Quality Management District is working with the cities and the county individually and will have four separate plans, although that could change to one plan county-wide. When completed, the four plans or one county-wide plan, will be introduced to the governmental entities for passage. If the Climate Action Plan is passed by one of the government entities, it will be incorporated into that government's General Plan. If there is a conflict between the General Plan and the Climate Action Plan, the General Plan must be changed to conform with the Climate Action Plan.
RCAPWorksheet 5-15-2011.pdf
AECOM Proposal Regional CAP for Shasta County.pdf
AECOM Page37 5-12.pdf   (Yolo plan)
Shasta Coordination Document Library
What if? What If.pdf
Projections 2009 Draft alternative growth scenarios to 2035
Proposition 84 Guidelines read pdf
The IRWM Grant Program is designed to encourage integrated regional strategies for management of water resources and to provide funding for both planning and implementation projects that support integrated water management. These guidelines are intended to remain unchanged for the life of the funding source. However, changes may be necessary due to legislation or changes in State water management policy. If changes are necessary, these guidelines will be amended and subject to a public review process per California Water Code (CWC) §10541.

These guidelines are based on guidelines used to disburse grant funding under the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002, Proposition 50. The Proposition 50 IRWM guidelines have been modified to be consistent with the following legislation:

  • Public Resources Code (PRC) §75026 et seq. (Proposition 84)
  • Senate Bill (SB) x2-1 (Perata, Statutes of 2008) – CWC §10530 et seq. – which repealed and replace the Integrated Regional Water Planning Act
  • Assembly Bill (AB) 739 (Laird, Chapter 610, Statutes of 2007) – consultation with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and identification of SWFM preferences
  • SB 732 (Steinberg, Chapter 729, Statutes of 2008) – PRC §75100 and PRC §75102 – requiring new grant solicitation for each funding cycle and tribal notification
  • SB 790 (Pavely, Chapter 620, Statutes of 2009) – stormwater resource planning as part of IRWM planning
  • AB 626 (Eng, Chapter 367, Statutes of 2009) – the 10% of appropriated funds for DAC projects should target distribution on a funding area basi
  • CWC §525 – water meter installation as condition of receiving a water management grant
  • CWC §10610 – Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP)
  • AB 1420 (Laird, Chapter 628, Statutes of 2007) – CWC §10631.5 – implementation of demand management measures as condition of receiving a water management grant
  • SBx7-6 (Steinberg, Chapter 1, Statutes of 2009) – groundwater elevation monitoring as a condition of receiving a water management grant.
How does AB 32 "California Cap and Trade" work?
Let Warren Duffy show you:




NEWS in other important matters
The Great Global Warming Swindle (Full Movie)
The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming.


Websites and material mentioned on today's program:





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