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JULY 20, 2014


Water is a Vested Right
Our guest: Roni Bell Sylvester

About Roni

Roni Bell Sylvester is the founder and volunteer editor of Land and Water USA and a former 2014 Republican gubernatorial candidate in the State of Colorado.

She lives in LaSalle, Colorado (Mountain time) northeast of Denver. She and Chuck live on Chuck's grandfather's farm on the South Platte River that was flooded out last fall during the Denver flood. They also have a ranch in Wyoming.

She figures y'all can discuss Land and Water USA and the water/property fight going on in Colorado we've started that is similar in structure to the water fight in the Klamath.


In addition to being a well-known speaker at the Colorado State Legislature, where she has frequently testified on water and agricultural issues, she is a mother, a wife, a rancher, and a self-described “farm girl”. Roni Bell Sylvester is a passionate champion of private property rights in the United States of America, including the beneficial use of water as a vested property right.

Base Website:

We have also embarked on an education movement to teach land owners how to deal with trespass by government agents (forest service, BLM, USFWS, etc.). Here is a sign she developed and is available.





No Trespass Signs / Stickers


Property Protection Forms

Water Politics, Rights, and Confiscation
Emergency proclamation for city of Montague
MONTAGUE – An emergency proclamation related to water had residents upset during a meeting Thursday with the Montague Water Conservation District and City Council.

The proclamation enacted mandatory regulations on residents in an effort to conserve what water is available.

Some examples include not using potable water to irrigate, no washing of vehicles and not using potable water to wash driveways or sidewalks.

Montague Water Works supervisor Chris Tyhurst said the regulations were originally going to be voluntary and monitored but agencies require the situation to be proven extreme and regulations set in place for emergency funding to be made available.

The new regulations and lack of water brought questions from residents regarding water bills, penalty rates, water usage, fire truck washing, the rodeo grounds and brush fires.

“People can’t not have water in their homes to provide for basic needs,” said one attendee.

“What happens if we run out of water? Do we still pay our regular monthly bill?” asked another.

One resident blamed a recent settlement between the MWCD and Riverkeeper/Karuk Tribe in regards to the Shasta River and Lake Shastina, saying, “How can that be right? They want more than mother nature is willing
to give. All the farmers will go without this year.”

Montague Mayor Jayne Keller assured the public that these issues have been brought up many times, but they were not part of the settlement.

“There’s more water going out than coming in,” said MWCD Engineer Gary Black. “We’ve pleaded our case that this is the worst water year in history.”

Tyhurst said the district has been working hard to figure out how to put the city first and still try to stay afloat.

Other residents threw around idea of using gray water for watering lawns.
One resident spoke of the investment many people have in their landscaping to increase their property value, and to put that aside, in her opinion, could prove difficult for some.

The rodeo grounds were also a hot topic, but Keller assured the public that the grounds have their own meter, and they will pay for what they use, including any penalties.

According to MWCD on April 1, there was 8,930 acre-feet of watering storage at Lake Shastina. The settlement included a clause that the lake must hold 2,000 acre-feet through Oct. 1.

After seepage loss, prior rights distribution, environmental water distribution and city use, the MWCD estimates a shortage of 1,821 acre-feet.

A meeting is set today at 10 a.m. for the City Council to discuss the situation further and determine penalties for water overuse and an alternate water source plan if Montague runs dry.



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