JANUARY 11, 2015 |
Common Core &
Technocracy |
(Gravity Simulators Required) |
Show appearances:
NOVEMBER 2, 2014
DECEMBER 14, 2014
JANUARY 11, 2015 |
Today's guest:
Tracee Mann |
NOV 2, 2014
DEC 14, 2014
JAN 11, 2015
MAR 29, 2015 |
And another episode of
scare-the-crap-out-of-you radio
:-) |
Today will be the first of two shows looking at the tremendous
impact of technology on our lives and what that means for our
future. Technology can make our day easier but in many cases it also
reduces our privacy. It can keep us safe or it can enslave us
The technology involved in Common Core will be deployed through
games on the computer. Students will love the tests and companies
will work with the government to categorize, control and manipulate
our children into adulthood.. |
World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society,
and Behavior |
World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society,
and Behavior holds new insights on how people make decisions; |

Investing in Breakthrough Learning Technologies at the Department of
Experts at the U.S. Department of Education
are exploring how we might learn from the experiences of Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other cutting-edge R&D
programs in pursuit of educational breakthroughs.
CATS-Gershenfeld.pdf |
EPIC Background |
The Federal Bureau of
Investigation is developing a biometric identification database
program called "Next Generation Identification" (NGI). When
completed, the NGI system will be the largest biometric database in
the world. The vast majority of records contained in the NGI
database will be of US citizens. The NGI biometric identifiers will
include fingerprints, iris scans, DNA profiles, voice identification
profiles, palm prints, and photographs. The system will include
facial recognition capabilities to analyze collected images.
Millions of individuals who are neither criminals nor suspects will
be included in the database. Many of these individuals will be
unaware that their images and other biometric identifiers are being
captured. Drivers license photos and other biometric records
collected by civil service agencies could be added to the system.
The NGI system could be integrated with other surveillance
technology, such as Trapwire, that would enable real-time
image-matching of live feeds from CCTV surveillance cameras. The
Department of Homeland Security has expended hundreds of millions of
dollars to establish state and local surveillance systems, including
CCTV cameras that record the routine activities of millions of
individuals. There are an estimated 30 million surveillance cameras
in the United States. The NGI system will be integrated with CCTV
cameras operated by public agencies and private entities.
The NGI database will be used for both law enforcement and non-law
enforcement purposes. It will be available to law enforcement
agencies at the local, state, and federal level. But it will also be
available to private entities, unrelated to a law enforcement
agency. Using facial recognition on images of crowds, NGI will
enable the identification of individuals in public settings, whether
or not the police have made the necessary legal showing to compel
the disclosure of identification documents. The New York City Police
Department began scanning irises of arrestees in 2010; these sorts
of records will be entered into NGI. The Mobile Offender Recognition
and Information System (“MORIS”), a handheld device, allows officers
patrolling the streets to scan the irises and faces of individuals
and match them against biometric databases. Similarly, children in
some school districts are now required to provide biometric
identifiers, such as palm prints, and are also subject to vein
recognition scans. Clear, a private company offering identity
services based on biometric identifiers, attempted to sell the
biometric database of its users after its parent company, Verified
Identity Pass, declared bankruptcy. The transfer of the biometric
database was blocked by a federal district court judge.
There is a substantial risk that personally identifiable information
could be lost or misused as a result of the creation of the NGI
system. Among the private contractors involved in the deployment of
NGI are Lockheed Martin, IBM, Accenture, BAE Systems Information
Technology, Global Science & Technology ("GST"), Innovative
Management & Technology Services ("IMTS"), and Platinum Solutions.
Arizona, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New
Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee are actively
participating in the NGI program. The FBI is pursuing an aggressive
deployment of the NGI program, scheduled for completion and full
deployment by 2014. |