JULY 16, 2017
"Marijuana Wake Up Call"  with Philip Drum

About Philip Drum, Pharm, D., FCSHP:


Philip Drum received his doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of California – San Francisco. He is a licensed pharmacist for 31 years who has had a wide range of experiences – from community pharmacy practice, a residency in Hospital Pharmacy, practice as a hospital-based Oncology pharmacist, Pharmacy Administration work as a Clinical Coordinator and later a Regional Manager and leader of regional pharmacy training and patient safety programs. He has been active in Pharmacy Associations and has spoken state-wide and nationally on various pharmaceutical topics. As a result of a family tragedy, he has been active in research on driving and marijuana and educating the public over the dangers of marijuana in society.


Education and promoting effective laws to reduce Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID)

About DUID Victim Voices:

Many voices are heard when a state considers stronger DUID laws. The voices of the marijuana lobby, law enforcement professionals, forensic toxicologists, and drug users typically dominate. DUID Victim Voices represents the interests of the victims of drugged driving, providing fact-based education and a victim perspective to decision makers and to the general public.


All states define alcohol DUI per se with laboratory tests that prove impairment by a blood alcohol level greater than .08 gm/dl for adults and greater than zero (or .02 gm/dl) for minors. Laboratory tests are routinely performed for all suspected alcohol DUI cases. Only 19 states define drug DUI (DUID) per se by objective laboratory tests.

Three additional states have established permissible limits for marijuana’s active THC in drivers, but these limits are a poor substitute for comprehensive drug per se laws. All other states use more difficult, costly, and subjective means to prove DUID on a case-by-case basis, with highly variable results.

Rosemary Tempel (Dr. Drum's sister)

Rosemary Tempel from www.duidvictimvoices.org

July 17, 2012

Rosemary Tempel, RN, BSN, BC, CQIA was 56 years old at the time she was driving to work at Virginia Mason Hospital in downtown Seattle, WA.  Speeding in the center turn lane, traveling in the opposite direction while under the influence of marijuana, Timothy Durden directed his Jeep directly into Rosemary’s car.  Durden’s car catapulted over Rosemary’s car – crushing her and breaking her neck, then lost the two front wheels and tumbled down the busy road resulting in an 8 car pile up.  Upon up righting Durden’s vehicle, a Seattle police detective saw marijuana and multiple business cards to Seattle’s Herbal Health Care Center marijuana dispensary fall from Durden’s vehicle.

Durden volunteered to have his blood drawn 3 hours and 13 minutes after the incident.  It was found to have 3.2 ng/ml THC (a psychoactive component of marijuana).

Although the crash occurred July 17, 2012, Durden wasn’t arraigned until November 15, 2012, when King County Superior Judge Ronald Kessler reduced Durden’s bail from $100,000 to $50,000.

During a pre-trial hearing on October 28, 2013, Judge Monica Benton threw out the marijuana blood evidence and thus the vehicular homicide (DUI) charge, stating she did not believe the Seattle PD Drug Recognition Expert’s (DRE) testimony.  That testimony was under oath and had written corroborating evidence. Benton also suppressed evidence of Durden’s two previous DUI charges which were both plea bargained to reckless driving within 1 year at the Evergreen District Courthouse – citing them as not relevant and prejudicial.  His driving without auto insurance at the time of the incident, previous possession of controlled substances, and selling cocaine and marijuana to an under cover officer were all withheld from the jury.  Judge Benton had previous experience with Durden.  She had earlier permitted Durden to continue his use of marijuana while on probation for a domestic violence charge.

On December 13, 2013, Timothy Durden was sentenced to 4.5 years following a jury conviction of vehicular homicide (reckless) + vehicular assault.

He was released from jail in less than 3 years time spent on November 28, 2016 more than 1.5 years early due to “good behavior.”

Some additional pics, newspaper articles and tv from Rosemary's case.
Picture is of the jury box in king Co Superior Judge Monica Benton's courtroom - with tv, news people in the jury box during the sentencing hearing - large pictures of Malcolm X and MLK right above the jury box. Story of Brown vs Board of Education on the wall to the left of the pictures.

Some of the below may have been taken down by now - but this is of the case.

Here are the stories of a couple other marijuana driving stories shortly around the time of my sister's case. Both of these were plea bargained. I can probably get Theresa Relthford to talk on your show. She is the phlebotomist that sees these impaired drivers all the time in her line of work.

Food for thought:

High school kids in Portland OR



MA Addiction Specialist speaks the truth about marijuana



Watch the pot head speed by and seriously injure another driver


Marijuana Addict speaks the truth



PBS High Concentration leading to depression/suicide and driving death



Former CO Governor and Denver Mayor speak out



MA parents warn about CA pot shops



Colorado - Parents for a Healthy Colorado



CO High School Students speak out against marijuana – Harrison Chamberlain



Al & Keith Interviews Part 1 - https://youtu.be/gfdk2pXzQOY

Al & Keith Interviews Part 2 - https://youtu.be/ccdIcx4O_BM


Move video forward and watch "I was just paralyzed" at 2 min 44 sec - this is what it is like for a marijuana naïve person to use an e cigarette with today's marijuana (shatter)



BHO Fails




https://goo.gl/forms/ 1yA4zXa5qyfEr2Ip1

The federal government hears from the marijuana industry all the time.  They are well-funded and politically active.  The marijuana industry is constantly trying to shape American policy in their economic favor and to the detriment of public health and safety.  Federal officials say they “never” hear from the anti-marijuana side of this conversation.


Because anti-drug efforts don’t have millions in legislative dollars to spend lobbing congress, the Executive branch or important government agencies like the FDA and DEA, those of us against the increase of marijuana-use in our communities have to work extra hard to be heard.  Please sign the petition via the link above to let your voice be heard now!


Join the millions of Californians that don’t want to see marijuana-use increase in their communities and don’t want advertising or other commercial activities that encourage friends, family and kids to purchase and use marijuana increasing mental illness, addiction, traffic injury and death and decreasing general quality-of-life in our neighborhoods.  This petition will be shown to Federal officials to prove there are Californians that want Federal marijuana drug laws to be enforced. 

Please send this link to all your contacts that understand this dire necessity. 


How marijuana promoters bypass the law — and the public good

December 01, 2015

When I graduated from pharmacy school, I voluntarily pledged to use my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to ensure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve, and to consider the welfare of humanity with the full realization of the responsibility entrusted by the public.

To me this means that we, as pharmacists, must step up and speak the truth when it comes to claims about “medical” marijuana.

In California in 1996, with the introduction of Proposition 215, the “Compassionate Use Act,” too many of us remained quiet about the claims being made by people attempting to promote marijuana for their own agendas.

The public approved the use of marijuana for seriously ill Californians to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes, when recommended by a physician who has determined that the person’s health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any illness for which marijuana provides relief.

There was no need for any placebo-controlled, randomized, FDA–approved study to be conducted — just the physician’s recommendation.

The decriminalization of marijuana countered the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, which categorized marijuana as a Controlled Substance I, a category encompassing all drugs characterized by the highest abuse and addiction potential, withdrawal symptoms (both physical and psychological), and no accepted medical use. 

Available alternatives

In 1996, the United States already had dronabinol (Marinol), approved by FDA since May of 1985. Dronabinol is a synthetic psychoactive delta-9 tetrahydrocannbinol (THC) product, free of molds, fungi, pesticides and other harmful chemicals. FDA approved doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg of THC (dronabinol) to increase appetite, reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for patients who have failed other drugs, and to reduce weight loss due to AIDS wasting. Dronabinol has been around so long, it is available as a generic product.  

Another synthetic cannabinoid, nabilone (Cessamet) was approved by FDA in December of 1985 for the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by cancer chemotherapy. These agents are also very rarely used. 

Several have attributed miraculous benefits to marijuana. One of the many cannabinols in the plant is a non-psychoactive component known as cannabidiol (CBD) (aka “Charlotte’s Web”). As of September 26, 2015, the U.S. National Institute of Health has approved 15 free studies investigating CBD activity in connection with its use in childhood epilepsy syndromes.

In a recent JAMA article (2015; 313(24): 2456-2473), a systematic review and meta-analysis of the use of cannabinoids for medical purposes, derived from 28 databases, revealed 79 acceptable studies involving 6,462 participants. Potential use of cannabinoids may include benefits seen in chronic pain (smoked THC and nabiximols) and spasticity studies (nabiximols, nabilone, THC/CBD capsules, and dronabinol).

There is evidence of low quality seen in connection with chemotherapy nausea and vomiting (dronabinol, nabiximols), weight gain in HIV infection (dronabinol), sleep disorders (nabilone, nabiximols), and Tourette syndrome (THC capsules).

Adverse effects were common and include balance problems, confusion, dizziness, disorientation, dry mouth, euphoria, drowsiness, fatigue, hallucination, nausea, somnolence, and vomiting.

Clearly better randomized controlled studies are needed to determine which cannabinoids work the best and in which doses.

Newer agents

In 1991, with the release on ondansetron (Zofran), a new class of drugs, the serotonin (5-HT3) receptor antagonists, helped revolutionize the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and gastroenteritis. 

In 1995, FDA approved the protease inhibitor antiretrovirals [saquinavir (Invirase) and ritonavir (Norvir)], and the dire treatment of AIDS patients changed forever. 

Subsequently FDA has approved other drug classes, including the attachment and entry inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors.


The public has been duped by individuals whose main goal is to promote the legalization of marijuana. 

In an interview provided to the Emory Wheel in February 1979, Keith Stoup, legal counsel for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), was quoted as saying, “We will use [medical marijuana] as a red herring, to give marijuana a good name.” 

In 2009, Allen St Pierre, NORML Director, stated to CNN that “in California, marijuana has been de facto legalized under the guise of medical marijuana.”

The numbers speak

Since 1996, more than 23 states has approved marijuana for “medical” purposes, and four states (Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska) and Washington, D.C., have allowed its recreational use, with taxation. To date, this social experiment has met with devastating consequences.

The following is what has occurred in Colorado since legalization:

• Increased hospitalizations related to marijuana (11,439 in 2014 compared to 2,539 in 2000).

• Increased homelessness and crime (property and violent crime in Denver up 5% over past 5 years since commercialization).

• 32 butane hash-oil home explosions in 2014 (12 explosions in 2013).

• Suicides and homicides involved with edible products (containing upwards of 420 mg THC in a single product).

• An increase in ingestions by children 0-5 years old (from 27 cases in 2005-2009 to 106 cases in 2010-2014) and ingestions by children 6-14 years old (23 cases in 2005-2009 to 57 cases in 2010-2014). 

• Drivers who test positive for marijuana or self-report using marijuana are more than twice as likely as sober drivers to be involved in motor vehicle crashes. When marijuana is combined with alcohol, the risk increases 8-fold. 

• Colorado automobile fatalities in cases involving a driver using marijuana have risen from 47 cases in 2009 (commercialization) to 94 in 2014, with 77% of those driving under the influence of drugs involving marijuana.

In 2014, the state of Washington reported an increase in fatalities connected with drivers affected by active THC, a rise from 65% (38 of 60 drivers) in 2013 to 85% (75 of 89 drivers) in 2014, the year Washington implemented legal marijuana.

Depending on when you graduated from pharmacy school, you pledged an oath. Whether you will abide by that oath to stay educated about pharmaceuticals and be a voice for appropriate drug use is up to you, but the public is relying on you to hold up your end of your oath.

Phillip Drum is an inpatient pharmacy consultant in northern California.