of Man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;
therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning
from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17). The role of a watchman is to warn
and teach.
“…But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not
blow the shofar, so that the people are warned; and then the
sword comes and takes any one of them, I will hold the
watchman responsible for the deaths” (Ezekiel 33:6). |
Immediately following the Israeli elections on April 9th,
Jared Kushner representing the Trump Administration will
present the Middle East Peace Plan he has been coordinating
and developing the last two years. Unofficially, Kushner
has been given the “green
light” to
push his plan forward with tacit approval from President
Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. One aspect of
the Kushner plan is for Israel to forfeit portions of their
land to the Palestinians. See
the attached document for
a more detailed explanation of the plan. Any plan that
gives even a small section of land from Israel away shall
bring a judgement and heavenly action from Yahweh
Elohe Yisrael – The Lord God of Israel (He
is the God of Israel - Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 17:6). And any
man or nation that helps give even a small section of land
from Israel away shall bring judgement and heavenly action
from Yahweh
Elohe Yisrael and Attiq Yomin – The Ancient of Days (God
is the ultimate authority; He will one day judge all nations
– Daniel 7: 9,13). If the Kushner plan proceeds the United
States of America shall be confronted with the awful wrath
of the King of kings and Lord of lords, God Himself! Don’t
do this!
Israel’s Eternal People, Land and Sovereignty:
While on his deathbed, King David of Israel promises his
wife Batsheva that their son Shlomo (Solomon) will follow
him to the throne of Israel. Batsheva then bows to her
husband, the King, and says, “May my lord King David
live forever” (1 Kings 1:31). As all people must one
day die, her words are puzzling. However, Batsheva’s
statement must be viewed on a deeper level. King David
represents the eternal monarchy over the Nation of Israel in
the Land of Israel. By praying for him to “live forever”
Batsheva is actually praying for the eternity of the people
of Israel; the Land and the sovereign monarchy of Israel.
This faithful and loving wife, Queen, and servant of the
Lord God of Israel, was announcing and pledging her
unwavering support that King David’s son Shlomo (Solomon)
would sit on the Throne of Israel and maintain the
sovereignty over the Land given to Israel by the Lord God!
I send this urgent message to you, and pray you send it
much, much further to all in your network so prayer may
begin in earnest. Pray the Lord, through Holy Spirit,
speaks clearly and candidly to President Trump and Prime
Minister Netanyahu that regardless of how smooth or neat,
and even swell the Kushner plan appears on paper, the plans
and ways of man are NO match against Yahweh
– The Lord (The
proper Name of the Divine Person God – Genesis 2:4; Exodus
6:2,3). The Lord of the universe presented the Land of
Israel to the People of Ancient Israel as His gift and His
plan from that day forward, and for all earthly time.
Period. It is not to be divided or given away, and
historically when pieces were given away, the Lord of Israel
stepped in with Heavenly Judgement that was not pretty to
those who orchestrated such plans. Please pray America does
not participate in this proposed plan; that our President
seeks, and receives, heavenly counsel guiding him away from
such a deceptive path as that which he is on directed by
Son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Please sincerely pray our
President receives wisdom and discernment from Attiq
Yomin – The Ancient of Days;
God who is the ultimate authority over all nations. America
is in a delicate place, and the Lord is NOT a respecter of
any man who stands against His Commands, His Ways, His
Decrees, and His Promises. Please review the attached
information, and please pray.
Israel Peace Plan Part 1 - March 12, 2019
In accordance with the covenant made with Abraham, we ask
that you pray in one accord that this attempt to divide
Jerusalem and sacrifice more Israeli land is a failure.
Please share these sentiments with your Congressional
Representatives, the White House and your network. “All
things are possible with God.” (Luke 1:37)
Trump Israel Peace Plan 3-12-2019.docx
Microsoft Word document [87.1 KB] |
Part 2: Trump Israel Peace
Saturday – March
the 16th, 2019
Hebraic Year 5779
“Son of Man, I have made you a watchman for the house of
Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them
warning from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17). The role of a watchman is
to warn and teach.
Mentioned below are slivers of said Trump Middle East Peace
Plan as given from an Israeli source. As with my earlier
report on this subject, if said details previously and below
are formally and officially announced, I shudder as to what Yahweh
Elohe Yisrael – The
Lord God of Israel (Psalm
59:5; Isaiah 17:6; Zephaniah 2:9) will say since NO stone or
twig of Israel’s Land is to be given away; by covenant with
the Lord, Israel is the “Apple of His eyes,” and the Land of
Israel, all of it, shall remain as the Lord’s territory for
the enjoyment of His people, the Jews, and as the location
on earth upon which He shall return.
Israel Middle East Peace Plan coordinated by Jared Kushner,
President Trump’s son-in-law and Senior White House Advisor,
is finished. The so-called “Deal of the Century” is 175 to
200 pages, and fewer than six
people have access to the complete document. The following
points have been obtained and selectively
released below:
The President was briefed on several occasions as the
plan neared completion, and he is reportedly “happy with
the parameters of the proposed deal,” per a senior
administration official. The U.S. Ambassador to Israel
David Friedman, senior advisor and son-in-law Jared
Kushner, and Mideast special peace envoy Jason
Greenblatt all have reviewed the proposed document.
The Trump Middle East Plan redraws Israel’s boundaries
and resolves final status issues. Kushner has stated on
a couple of occasions the plan will “have a broad
economic impact, not only on Israel and the
Palestinians, but on the entire region as well.”
Kushner claims, “…there is a free flow of people and of
goods. We must create new opportunities.” Kushner
continued by sharing it is noted the intra-Palestinian
political divides – with the PLO in charge in parts of
the West Bank and Hamas ruling the Gaza Strip. Kushner
states, “We want to see the Palestinians united under
one leadership, the Palestinians want a non-corrupt
government that cares for their own interests.”
Trump has publicly stated that Israel will now pay a
higher price in peace negotiations with the Palestinians
since Israel won “very big” with the recent U.S. Embassy
move to Jerusalem. Now the Palestinians “will get
something very good…it’s their turn.” At the end of
this month, March, Kushner will travel to the five Gulf
countries to discuss the specifics and garner regional
support for the plan. The Iranian threat to Israel is
very real, and this threat is a shared concern by Israel
and the Arab countries. The Middle East Peace Plan will
be presented and made public by the end of April which
gives Israel time to finish elections on April 9th,
and begin transitions based on those elections. Trump
wants to move quickly so as not to become bogged down as
his own 2020 Presidential Election begins in earnest.
There is confirmation the Kushner Plan has been
presented to Israel, Palestinians, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
and Egypt. Jerusalem will have its’ boundaries
reordered, as some of the city will be changed to
Palestinian control. Approximately 85% of Judea and
Samaria will be now included in the Palestinian state.
Certain northern sections of the current Jerusalem
municipal boundaries, captured by Israel in the 1967 war
will be given to Palestine. Arab village and refugee
camp in this location will be transferred to the
Palestinian state, along with Arab neighborhoods in
southern Jerusalem captured in the same war. Security
check points will be reduced in the Trump/Kushner Plan.
The United States will infuse $25 billion into the
Palestinian Authority by way of investments, as well as
an additional $40 billion into Egypt, Jordan and
Part 3: Trump Israel Peace
Friday – March
the 22nd,
Hebraic Year 5779
of Man,
I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel;
therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning
from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17). The role of a watchman is to warn
and teach.
attached reports –
Battle lines continue to be drawn in America, as well as
across the globe. Battle lines which no longer rest within
terms like Republican or Conservative, and Democrat or
Socialist. The lines being drawn depict the early stage of
forces committed to God’s Word or a Humanistic/godless force
of darkness whose only real mission is to accumulate power
and control, the more the better. The diabolical forces
care little about the Judeo-Christian foundation of the
United States, much less our country’s historical response
to be a Biblical light to the world. In point of fact the
diabolical forces are working diligently to remove all signs
of our Nation’s Christian Heritage without hesitation or
concern. Push America into the global system void of
national sovereignty, heritage, culture, and all things
which contribute to uniqueness. The goal is to paint a new
world-order where “Workers of the World Unite;” then in
bright colors standing off on one side observing with smug
smiles the few, the self-absorbed, the Elites. Into such a
chaotic swamp Donald Trump arrived totally unexpectedly, and
unwelcomed. While President Trump is feverishly working to
change things for the better, and to return some form of
God’s ordaining order and justice, others are deeply engaged
with…well, something other.
Attached is the third part of the evaluation and response to
the Trump Israel Peace Plan created by Jared Kushner. While
it is true the “plan” has not been revealed to the public,
conversely there are many individuals and national leaders
who have seen sections of TIPP, and privately and publicly
have expressed their opinion. Along with the sources named
below it seems new details are leaked. Also attached is a
short power-point presentation discussing The National War
Council (NWC). Mr. Joseph “Jim” Stockstill of the National
War Council developed both attachments, and you may reach
him at the Post Office Box mentioned on said documents.
Let it be known that the mission of the “National War
Council” is to make tactical and strategic efforts to
support those who embrace and promote the principles of our
Founding Fathers and, when his policies align, proactively
stand with President Trump. But without reservation, the
National War Council opposes any plan that violates the
“Covenant” made with Israel by the Lord Yahweh (The proper
name of the divine person – Genesis 2:4; Exodus 6:2, 3). We
continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalms 122:6)
and for the leaders of our own nation (I Timothy 2:1-2). I
ask each person reading this message to join and pray for
our country’s leaders, that they may have their hearts and
minds open to the discernment and wisdom from God to address
the terribly difficult issues of the day, and to continue to
have the strength to move toward the light of the Gospel as
our Forefathers did most publicly.
J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. is
an Intelligence and Threat Assessment Specialist who
provided briefings and consultations to selected members of
the Arizona State Legislature from April 2010 through May of
2018. His written briefings and consultations enlarged to
include elected and law enforcement officials across the
country. Lyle continues to present critical analysis to
such communities, but is responding to what he believes is a
call to sound the Shofar of Warning to the Remnant Church
Arising across the nation as to the challenges and threats
coming. Dr. Rapacki is the author of the successful Amazon
Kindle booklet: “Our
Forefathers truly Appealed to Heaven” Kindle
$5. |
Israel Peace Plan Part 3 - March 17, 2019
While we appreciate and admire the real estate mogul that
wrote, “Trump: The Art of the Deal”, there is no correlation
to negotiating a business deal and thinking the President,
or anyone else, can negotiate a “deal” when it involves a
sworn Covenant by Jehovah. The land promised to Abraham and
his descendents Isaac and Jacob (later changed to Israel) is
an eternal Oath.
Trump Israel Peace Plan Part 3 2019.03.1[...]
Microsoft Word document [91.0 KB] |
Pentagon Finds Almost $13 Billion for Border Barrier
'When the President asked them to find money that can be
shifted to fund a barrier on our southern border, the folks
at the Pentagon found much more than needed.
Democrats have been freaking out, that taking money from the
military construction budget to fund the construction of a
border barrier was going to destroy the military (and cancel
projects that were going to spend money in their
districts). But the truth is that almost every federal
government project in nearly every federal government agency
has unspent money or future monies that haven’t been
allocated as of yet.'
https://lidblog.com/border-barrier/ |
When the President asked them to find money that can be
shifted to fund a barrier on our southern border, the folks
at the Pentagon found much more than needed. |
Democrats have been freaking out, that taking money from the
military construction budget to fund the construction of a
border barrier was going to destroy the military (and cancel
projects that were going to spend money in their
districts). But the truth is that almost every federal
government project in nearly every federal government agency
has unspent money or future monies that haven’t been
allocated as of yet. Jack
Reed (D-RI) one of the senators complaining about the
possible loss of money spent in his state, released the
Defense Department’s list of potential funding targets for
the border barrier (embedded below). Reed released the list
with the hopes of convincing additional congressional
members to override Trump’s veto of their action to stop his
emergency declaration. |
Out of the $12.8 billion, the Pentagon has identified as
possible sources of barrier funding, the President wants to
use $3.6 billion to protect our southern border. |
The Pentagon used the following criteria to come up with
their list of funding possibilities: |
No military construction projects that already have been
awarded and no military construction projects with FY 2019
award dates will be impacted. No
military housing, barracks, or dormitory projects will be
impacted. The
pool of potential military construction projects from which
funding could be reallocated to support the construction of
border barrier are solely projects with award dates after
September 30, 2019. While
most of the money identified comes from the fifty states,
some of the projects identified are outside the fifty,
including Guam, Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Norway, Hungary,
Jordan, Japan, Qatar, the UK, and the UAE. Of
course, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) might be happy with funds
being taken from the plans for a $27 million gym and dining
facility in Guam. In the past, he has expressed worry that
too many U.S. Marines on the island might cause it to tip
over. |
Thursday – March
the 14th,
1130Hrs; C.S.T. (Texas)
Commentary and personal remarks –
The Sheriff – Our Last Best Hope?
By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the
county in which he/her is elected and serves. The Sheriff
has the full and complete authorization needed to protect
and defend the citizens in the county, and to serve and
protect the constitutional freedoms granted by that hallowed
document. The Office of the Sheriff has long been simply
viewed as another link in the law enforcement community, and
to a proper extent this is true. But through a lack of
education the Sheriff has the moral and full legal and
constitutional responsibility to protect the citizens within
his/her county from the crimes of our own government, and
the attempts to infringe or even take away from the
Constitution and Bill of Rights given to us by our
The founders of America warned us that we would lose more
freedoms from gradual encroachments by those in authority
than by sudden usurpations from any foreign enemy. The
battle today is for the soul of our exceptional nation;
whether or not we will accept Marxism, or will we save
America as the last bastion of hope for freedom and personal
liberty. Make no mistake, and don’t be deceived by smooth
talking politicians who proclaim universal health control,
forced equality through governmental redistribution of
wealth, and the removal of religious beliefs and
expressions; then the emotional and seemingly daily front
and center gun control (interpret gun confiscation). Our
Founders forewarned us about the attempt to impose despotism
on us – “When
ALL government shall be drawn to Washington as the center of
all power, it will render powerless the checks provided and
will become as venal and oppressive as the government from
which we separated.” –
Thomas Jefferson
The regrettable catastrophe we are all now facing is that
our American Republic has been replaced by a corrupt system
of political correctness. The founders of America warned us
repeatedly to avoid gun control, a welfare state, a police
state, entangling foreign alliances, a grandiose and
omnipotent central government, enslaving taxation, paper
money not backed by gold and silver standard, and more! A
limited central government was the goal, as the framers of
our new country knew that freedom couldn’t exist with an
all-powerful over-reaching government. History shows us
that the bigger the government, the smaller the freedom for
individuals. The political platforms of both political
parties continue to move toward a large and central
government, and away from individual freedoms. Our founders
warned us not to be seduced or the consequences would be
severe and catastrophic.
Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder and President of
Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association, has
taught nationally on the powers and authorities of the
Sheriff. It has been my privilege to personally know and
work with Sheriff Mack the past ten years. During one of
his trainings to sheriffs and law enforcement officers, Mack
said, “The
Sheriff must rise to the challenges and erect the barriers
and keep those at
bay who would confiscate bank accounts, guns, land,
property, and children. Sheriffs, you are the people’s
sworn protector. You cannot shrink from that duty
merely because the violator comes in town with a three-piece
suit and a fancy attaché’ case.”
A growing number of Sheriffs are not only rising to the
challenges from a central and power hungry government, but
are rising in defense of the Second Amendment, and, indeed,
the Constitution itself! Our Founding Fathers would be
proud, and the citizens in the counties which these sheriffs
serve should be proud of these professionals, also. Thank
you Sheriff for fully embracing your constitutional office.
‘Second Amendment sanctuary’ counties say they won’t enforce
background checks, other gun-control proposals

swaths of rural America, county sheriffs, prosecutors and
other local officials are mounting resistance to gun-control
measures moving through legislatures in Democratic-led
The “Second Amendment sanctuary” movement has taken hold in
more than 100 counties in several states, including New
Mexico and Illinois, where local law-enforcement and county
leaders are saying they won’t enforce new legislation that
infringes on the constitutional right to bear arms. For
instance, in New Mexico, 30 of 33 county sheriffs have
signed a letter pledging to not help enforce several
gun-control measures supported by Democrats in Santa Fe,
according to the state’s sheriff association. The sheriffs,
who are elected, say they are heeding the wishes of voters
in the counties they serve. More than two dozen counties in
the state have enacted “sanctuary” resolutions backing the
sheriffs and affirming that no tax dollars in their
jurisdictions should go to enforcing the proposed laws. Nationwide,
some see their battle as a conservative version of the
“sanctuary” resistance to the Trump administration’s
illegal-immigration crackdown led by Democratic mayors in
major cities like New York and Los Angeles.
“If a state or city can become a sanctuary for illegal
immigration, then we can become a sanctuary for Second
Amendment rights,” said Russell Shafer, sheriff of Quay
County in eastern New Mexico. Despite
the resistance, New Mexico Democrats are forging ahead with
their bills: Legislation requiring background checks for
most private gun sales was signed into law Friday but still
faces a potential roadblock from the Republicans in the
state’s House of Representatives, who are trying to put the
measure before voters next year.
Democrats are also pushing a mental-health measure that
would make it easier to confiscate weapons from people
feared to be a safety threat. The
state’s newly elected Democratic governor, Michelle Lujan
Grisham, supports the bills. She said the sheriffs’
resistance undermines public safety, and in recent tweets,
mocked the rural revolt as “rogue sheriffs throwing a
childish pity party.” Elsewhere,
about 60 counties in Illinois have approved—some by ballot
measures—pro-Second Amendment resolutions, according to the
Illinois State Rifle Association. Sheriffs have been more
muted in Illinois, but at least a half-dozen Republican and
Democratic county prosecutors in southern Illinois are
objecting to a bill introduced this year that would ban
commonly owned semiautomatic weapons.
More than half of Washington’s
sheriffs have denounced a gun-control
package approved by voters last year as an unconstitutional
and unenforceable step toward banning semiautomatic weapons. The
movement has largely underscored the rift between rural and
urban areas. “We’re
all part of the same state, but almost all the crime we’re
seeing and the weapons we’re seeing are coming out of the
city,” said Brandon Zanotti, the Democratic state’s attorney
of Williamson County in Illinois located 300 miles south of
Chicago. Mr.
Zanotti objects to proposed restrictions on semiautomatic
weapons in Illinois because, he says, they would burden law
enforcement and turn otherwise law-abiding citizens into
criminals. Sheriffs
and prosecutors have discretion to decide whether to arrest
or charge someone for committing a crime, but that
flexibility is case-by-case, says Norman Williams, a
Willamette University law professor. He drew a distinction
between prosecutorial discretion and a categorical refusal
to enforce a law. The latter undermines the rule of law, he
In response to the protest, Washington state Democratic
Attorney General Bob Ferguson recently warned sheriffs that
local law enforcement could face liability for not
performing background checks for people buying
weapons as required under the new law. Some sheriffs,
though, have said they aren’t refusing to perform them. Democratic
New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas said local
officials should comply with state and federal law but
declined to say what measures he would take if they don’t. It
isn’t the first time county law enforcement has rebelled
against gun-control laws.
In 2013, Colorado sheriffs joined a lawsuit in protest of
expanded background checks and restrictions on
higher-capacity ammunition magazines that were enacted after
mass shootings in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn. While
the lawsuit against the 2013 legislation was ultimately
dismissed, the protesting Colorado sheriffs have very rarely
charged anyone with violations, according to Dave Kopel, an
attorney and scholar who represented the plaintiffs in the
lawsuit. |
Cibola County
Sheriff Tony Mace, left, along with other state
law-enforcement officers speak against a bill that would
require background checks for all gun sales in Santa Fe,
N.M., on Jan. 24, 2019. Photo: Eddie
Moore/Albuquerque Journal/Zuma Press
The legislation spurring protests varies from state to
state, ranging from stricter regulation of sales between
individuals to wider bans on semiautomatic weapons.
“Red-flag” legislation has stirred much of the backlash. A
New Mexico bill passed by the state House would allow family
members or those close to a gun owner to ask a court to
temporarily confiscate the person’s gun if they think the
person poses an immediate danger to themselves or others. New
Mexico sheriffs say that they already have legal ways to
disarm dangerous people in emergencies and that the bill
fails to protect the due-process rights of gun owners
subject to seizure orders. If the “red-flag” bill becomes
law, the sheriffs say they are prepared to get judges to
reconsider seizure orders if they feel the gun owner hasn’t
been granted due process, according to Cibola County Sheriff
Tony Mace.
A Democratic-backed “red-flag” bill advancing in Colorado is
also facing backlash, with Weld County and several others
passing resolutions in opposition in recent days? Some
sheriffs have taken issue with the wider “sanctuary”
movement. In a recent Facebook post, El Paso County Sheriff
Bill Elder of Colorado said he would “defend the Second
Amendment to the death” but questioned whether sheriffs
should be the ones interpreting law. “Do people expect a
Sheriff, a Chief of Police, a Mayor or ANY elected person to
decide if a law is ‘constitutional’ or not?” he wrote.
Mr. Shafer, the Quay County sheriff in New Mexico, said he
is just following the will of the public. “I’m getting my
guidance from my constituents who voted me into office,” he
Write to Jacob
Gershman at jacob.gershman@wsj.com and
Dan Frosch at dan.frosch@wsj.com
Nwo Report |
March 12, 2019 at 5:00 pm | Tags: Gun
Measures, Rural
Sheriffs, Second
Amendment | Categories: Gun
Control, gun
rights, US
News, USA |
URL: https://wp.me/p2hcGV-CoO
– March
the 3rd,
2100Hrs; C.S.T. (Texas)
If you tell a lie with all the enthusiasm you can muster,
for as long as you can, in every manner you can, the
self-deception is that people will believe you. This
concept is at work within many who hold national elective
office, regardless of political party, and whose allegiance
is painfully clear to that of the globalist community – NOT
United States National sovereignty. This concept is present
with those proclaiming there is no national emergency at the
southern Border of our country. This concept is motivating
the speech to dupe as many as possible that we have an
inherent obligation to take in any and all who cross our
national boundaries, no questions asked. In response those
who choose to stand and protect our National sovereignty
should make every effort to place before one and all
undeniable facts, place into evidence unquestionable
realities of proof demonstrating the crisis is real, and the
portrayal otherwise is a lie. Mentioned below is but one
more truth; one more piece of evidence for your review.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger's Report
from the Border: More Drugs, More Human Trafficking
“Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.,
has been deployed to the southern border as a member of the
Air National Guard four times now, and says he's never seen
more drug smuggling and human trafficking than he did on his
most recent deployment this month,” Anna Giaritelli writes.
“Before going on my recent border mission with the Air
National Guard, I was neutral on the need for a declaration
of national emergency,” Rep. Kinzinger wrote on Facebook
yesterday. “After witnessing the dangerous drug cartels and
heinous human trafficking cases, I am more convinced than
ever that this is the right thing to do for the safety and
security of our country.”
Click here to read