About our
guest: Ray Haupt

Federal Service 1976-2010
I began my Forestry Career in
Mt. Shasta in 1976 with the US Forest Service. I graduated
from Cal Poly San Louis Obispo in Natural Resources
Management and Forestry in 1978 and returned to complete
advanced studies in Forest Engineering and Economics at
Humboldt State University in 1980.
My career included work in
WA, CA and FL managing National Forest Programs including
Fisheries, Wildlife, Saw timber, Biomass and Pulp/Paper raw
products. A portion of my work included serving as a Logging
Systems specialist and a Timber Contracting Officer and
finished my career on the Klamath National Forest.
served on Incident Management Teams in Operations and
Logistics in Two USFS Regions as a IMT2 qualified
member, Participated or directed over 1Million Acres of
Prescribed Fire in three Regions. Served on the
formulation Team in Florida for the National Prescribed
Fire Training Center, on the Regional NEPA Training
Cadre and taught multiple courses at the National Fire
Training Center at McClellan AFB Sacramento,
Served 7 years on the
Region 5 Line Officer Team for Fire Policy development
and implementation with assigned duties of Regional
Trainer and Certifier of Line Officers, assigned
multiple times as the Regional Foresters Representative
Team Lead on Fire investigations and led the Regional
team who wrote and implemented the R-5 policy on
Wilderness Fires, Wilderness Mechanized Equipment
Authorizations and Appropriate Management Response for
Fire Incidents. I led a Regional Team who developed the
Project Activity Level (PAL) Fire Risk System replacing
Sale Activity Level (SAL).
I am a recipient of many USFS
National/Regional awards for technical expertise in Fuels
Mgmt., Fire Behavior Modification, Fire Response, Forest
Mgmt. and Vegetation manipulation.
Personal Recognitions
National Awards for recovery of ESA species using
Science based Forest Management and fire applications.
Regional Awards for
modifications of Landscape Fire Behavior using
vegetative fuels modeling techniques and requisite
Forest Manipulation on the Klamath NF.
Multiple Congressional
recognitions in Forest Management Leadership in Service
to rural communities and their economies.
Dozens of exemplary
Leadership service recognitions in Management of Public
Certified to Manage Fire
and Prescribed Fires at the highest National Complexity
as a USFS Line Officer.
I retired from Federal
Service after 33 years in 2010 after serving 12 years as a
District Ranger on the Klamath NF.
Early Retirement 2010-
For the first 4 years of
retirement, I taught Forest Ecology, Dendrology, Hydrology
and Forest Mensuration at the College of the Siskiyous in
Weed for an accredited transfer program to Humboldt State
University’s 4-year Bachelor of Science Degree in Forestry.
Prior to running for elected
office in Siskiyou County, I participated on numerous work
groups authoring and editing 4 pieces of forest legislation
for the Natural Resource Committee in the US House of
Representatives. That work continues today as opportunities
arise as well as coordination on national issues facing the
public lands and Forest Industry.
Elected Office Work 2014-
I am serving my second term
as Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5, own a business
Consulting as a CA Registered Professional Forester, a
member of NAFSR (National Association of Forest Service
Retiree’s) and serve as a delegate to the NAFSR Fire
Committee. Two most important areas of my personal focus
include; Using Forest management for protection of
communities from wildfire while increasing jobs and economy
in performance of that work and in enhancing and protecting
the future of Agriculture and other Natural Resource based
industries in our County.
Current Siskiyou County
Supervisor Appointments and Assignments:
Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation
District - Director
Siskiyou Power Authority - Director
Airport Land Use Commission - Director
Service Area 3, 4, 5 – Director
Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority
Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control
District –
NACO Alternate
Sierra-Sacramento LEMSA - Alternate
CALIFORNIA (RCRC) – Alternate Delegate
American Forest resource Council – Member and Delegate
Siskiyou County Resource Advisory Council – Delegate
Siskiyou County Regional Solid Waste
Joint Powers Authority – Alternate
Criminal Justice Department Head Delegate
Criminal Justice Partners – Delegate
Siskiyou County Law Enforcement Drug Task Force - Delegate
Siskiyou County Fire Chiefs Steering Committee – County
Siskiyou County CA OES - Delegate
My wife
and I have been married for 43 years and we have made Etna
California our home for the past 22 years. We have three adult
children and a growing number of Grandchildren in three western