Freedom Advocates
represents a cross-section of people from all political parties and
backgrounds who are united in the principles of individual liberty,
equal justice and the constitutional administration of government.
People are born with unalienable rights and government exists to
protect those rights. Rather than bureaucrats mandating
indoctrination programs, parents should direct the terms of their
child’s education. Rather than bureaucrats taking the use of private
property, the ideals of private property should be protected by
Our mission is
to advance the principles of freedom to individuals and government
through public discourse.
- Focus public attention on the
value of the freedoms protected
to Americans by the Declaration
of Independence, and encourage
individual and community
interest in protecting those
- Provide
opportunities for discourse among organization participants and
- Promote and
strengthen government responsiveness to the principles of
- Inform the public
about local, national, and international threats to individual
Unite against the advance
of international collectivist movements that cause poverty,
oppression, and a degraded earth.
Agenda 21
Blueprint to Advance Sustainable Development
By Daniel Beckett -
click here for complete story
In this straightforward expose of Agenda 21 -- the blueprint to
advance Sustainable Development -- Beckett examines the notion of
"sustainability". His conclusion: The American people need to be
better informed so they understand that Sustainable Development is a
pseudonym for centralized control over human life.
Santa Cruz County, CA
The policies of Sustainable Development are changing the very fabric
of America.
Sustainable Development entered the world officially in 1987 in a
report of the United Nations Commission on Environment and
Development entitled, "Our Common Future". This commission was
chaired by Gro Harlem Bruntland, Prime minister of Norway and
Vice-President of the World Socialist Party. A well known mantra
that originated from that report is "meeting today's need's without
compromising future generations to meet their own needs". If one is
to look, this mission statement has been incorporated into many
government and non-government organizations. Is it a surprise that
it was also reflected in the old Soviet constitution?
That part was fine - and just about right in terms of computer
education. But here is where the problem starts:
Then in 1992 the United Nations conference on "Environment and
Development" was held in Rio De Janeiro Brazil. This summit is
commonly referred to as the "Earth Summit". Then-President
George H. Bush signed what is commonly referred to as the "Rio
Accords". Out of this conference came the "Agenda 21" document.
Agenda 21 was adopted as a work plan to implement Sustainable
Development by 179 nations including our own.
The following year, newly-elected President Bill Clinton created
"The Presidents Council on Sustainable Development" through
executive order. This order created the framework for the
federal government to begin implementing sustainable development
programs nationwide. All of this has been moving forward with
virtually no legislative debate.
I first became aware of Agenda 21 in the summer of 2000 when I
was given a copy of the Santa Cruz Local Agenda 21 document, a
regurgitated version of the global document. This local plan was
endorsed by our esteemed Congressman Sam Farr on June 3rd, 1997.
Is it any coincidence that Mr. Farr flies the United Nations
flag at his Congressional office in Washington, DC?
So what could be wrong with the
idea of being sustainable? We don't want to be unsustainable, do we?
The problem with Sustainable Development is that it flies in the
face of man's will to advance. America is the greatest country in
the world. Why? Because its citizens were allowed the use of its
bountiful resources. There was no king or dictator to control man's
creative action.
The idea behind Sustainable Development is to foster a mentality of
guilt in people over the use of natural resources. Every time one
starts their car... Every time one turns on a water faucet...
Remember, be sustainable! Don't exceed your allotment of
resources... Big Brother is watching you. We all must learn to live
the same, think the same and most importantly... be sustainable!
click here for complete story |