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APRIL 19, 2020



 "The National Bison Range Giveaway"

with Skip Palmer, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, retired and brief notes from Lawrence Kogan, Esq.


Montana’s elected leaders have been lying about transfer of National Bison Refuge to tribes

It was a misguided effort, if not, a “false flag operation.”  In other words, it was either a major blunder or an intentional deception aimed at persuading Montanans that their public officials are working for their benefit when they are actually working against them. 

Montana’s Politicians Have Been F.O.S. Re National Bison Refuge Transfer to CSKT
By Delbert (Skip) Palmer

Several colorful phrases come to mind when I think about how to describe the uncanny ability of Montana’s public officials, many of whom are politicians, to deceive their constituents about an issue as important as the National Bison Range.  The first two that come to mind are “two-faced” and “speaks with forked tongue.”  The CollinsCambridge, and Merriam Webster Dictionaries define these phrases as follows: says one thing and means or does something else; intent to mislead or deceive; hypocritical, false, deceiving, treacherous.  The Merriam Webster and MacMillan Dictionaries, meanwhile, define the third phrase – F.O.S. (“full of shit”) – as not telling the truth; lying; not true.  I trust that readers can identify which of their Montana federal, state and county public officials fall within one or more of these definitions.

A quick and dirty litmus test for determining the “fake” honesty of these public officials and politicians is to confirm who among them had known, but failed to divulge, that the new Daines-Tester CSKT Water Compact bill (S.3019) would be introduced into the U.S. Senate less than a week after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“USFWS”) had released their long-anticipated Comprehensive Conservation Plan (“CCP”) and Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) on the National Bison Range (“NBR”) wildlife refuge. 

The NBR has long been considered the crowned jewel of the National Wildlife Refuge System.  I know because I worked for the USFWS as a member of the NBR maintenance department for 16 years. 

Montana’s congressional delegation, and a group of Montana State and County officials have remained conspicuously silent about the USFWS’ longstanding effort to support proposed federal legislation the agency assisted the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (“CSKT”) in drafting, at the Montana congressional delegation’s request, that would direct the USFWS to transfer the NBR to the Bureau of Indian Affairs to hold in trust for the benefit of the CSKT.  The Daines-Tester bill, in other words, would remove this unique wildlife refuge from the public trust where it has remained since 1908 to be held permanently for the benefit of ALL Americans, and place it into a tribal trust for the benefit of a single Native American tribe.

. . . Keep reading . . .

Check out the show on video ;-)


Save the National Bison Range, LLC is a small entity representing the deep concerns of a large number of individuals who continue to treasure one of America's first National Wildlife Refuges - the National Bison Range - situated within but separate and apart from the Flathead Indian Reservation of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes ("CSKT") located in northwestern Montana.


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The members of Save the National Bison Range, LLC are deeply concerned that the U.S. Department of Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service ("USFWS") has once again publicly misrepresented its plans for gifting away the National Bison Range to the CSKT as further reparations for America's 19th century western expansion policies and actions.

The National Bison Range is a National Wildlife Refuge, not just any ordinary National Park. It was created by former President Theodore Roosevelt on May 23, 1908.

Pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, lands, waters and wildlife designated as "National Wildlife Refuges" are to be stewarded, maintained and held in trust by the Federal Government, namely, by the USFWS in perpetuity for the benefit and interest of current and future generations of ALL Americans, not just Indian tribes.

By deceptively and dishonestly seeking in their recently introduced legislation (Section 13 of S.3019 - The Montana Water Rights Protection Act), without securing Americans' or Montanans' consent, to transfer the National Bison Range to the CSKT, which considers itself NOT subject to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, as part of the highly controversial CSKT Water Compact, Montana's U.S. Senators Daines and Tester have, once again, betrayed their Senatorial Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution, to serve all Montanans, and to serve all Americans.

The Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), is intended to allow Americans to request and secure copies of federal records produced, controlled and exchanged by federal executive agencies with third parties.

To secure confirmation of Senator Daines' and Tester's motivations and objectives for transferring away to the CSKT this jewel of the National Wildlife Refuge System, Save the National Bison Range, LLC has issued three sets of FOIA requests to various offices and agencies of the U.S. Department of the Interior. See links to all FOIAs filed below.

Each of these three sets of FOIA requests posted to this website below contain informational footnotes and hyperlinks to critically important and revealing documents relevant to our effort to Save the National Bison Range.

Each of these three sets of FOIA requests seeks copies of records concerning the possible transfer by the USFWS of the National Bison Range to the CSKT, that each of the offices and agencies contacted have exchanged with different third parties, including Senators Daines and Tester, since 2014-2015.

The members of Save the National Bison Range, LLC would greatly appreciate your further support in stopping this potential tragedy from occurring without the say of the We the People.

Please contact us as soon as possible at the following address:

Save the National Bison Range, LLC

P.O. Box 153

St. Ignatius, Montana 59865

(406) 531-7582 

Freedom of Information Act Requests:

U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs

FOIA Request #1: 3-19-2020

FOIA Request #2: 3-20-2020

FOIA Request #3: 3-30-2020

U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor (SOL)

FOIA Request #1: 3-19-2020

FOIA Request #2: 3-20-2020

FOIA Request #3: 3-30-2020

U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary (OS)

FOIA Request #1: 3-19-2020

FOIA Request #2: 3-20-2020

FOIA Request #3: 3-30-2020

U.S. Department of Interior, Office of the Special Trustee-Office of Historical Trust Accounting (OST)

FOIA Request #1: 3-19-2020

FOIA Request Final: 3-30-2020

United States Department of Interior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

FOIA Request #1: 3-19-2020

FOIA Request #2: 3-20-2020

FOIA Request #3: 3-30-2020