JULY 5, 2020
 "South Africa's Ties to the Riots in the U.S."
 with Dr. Harry Booyens   information for this show
About our guest Dr. Harry Booyens
Harry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. Originally from South Africa, with a 360-year bloodline in that country, he lives with his family on the forested slopes outside Vancouver, Canada. His life as a scientist exposed him to many of the realities of the Cold War and the period immediately following the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It included interaction with the United States and British defense establishment. He applies his lifetime of research and interpretive skills to History and Genealogy, and writes with factual accuracy and engaging style on these subjects. Hard evidence is a trademark of his work and has won him a number of awards. He focuses on  making Americans aware of what is happening in South Africa, the historic parallels between the two countries, and the warning that South Africa holds for Western Civilization in general and the United States of America in particular.

His Book (details below): "AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America"
His Blog (details below): https://hbooyens.wordpress.com/
His Website: www.cliffwoodfogge.com

Why do I focus on the United States?:

( perhaps Americans should read that)

The Great Obama Reversal : LINK (my view over the Obama years..
I suspect you will enjoy it)
“Dying for the Land”: 
“Who stole the Land?":
Radio/TV/Internet media:
Message to (then) President Elect Trump
Interview on CCN with Karin Smith and Mel Ve

AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America

The West has finally realized that “bringing Democracy” to the Middle East and Southwest Asia is not necessarily in the best interests of Western Civilization. Radical Islam is hijacking its plans and making a mockery of Democracy itself.

In South Africa, an earlier experiment in Bestowed Democracyis failing under a burden of abuse. Much taken with its own role in undoing apartheid a full generation earlier, the West prefers to look away. It appears to treat the plight of Western people in that country as a form of required penance. In the process, it indulges what is in effect a corrupt One-Party State Kleptocracy run along the Party Congress lines of its original mentor, the defunct Soviet Union.

AmaBhulu is a view of South Africa through eyes different from those employed in fifty years of media reporting, social science, and politics. The author walks the reader from the 1652 landing of the Dutch to the present by following his own family bloodlines as example through the documented history of the country, supported by copious evidence. As settlers, soldiers, slaves, and indigenes, they farm, they fight, they triumph, and they lose. They are mercilessly impaled and massacred by savage African tyrants. They are hanged and fusilladed by an imperial overlord, and herded into concentration camps. Yet, they persevere to create a key Western Christian country; the envy of all Africa and a Cold War bulwark of the West. Eventually it falls to the author to describe the loss of his country through forces beyond his control.

In 1797 the British Royal Navy feared South Africa would become a “Second America” for Britain, while, in the 20th century, the country was to Africa what the United States was to the world. 
AmaBhulu describes the developing crisis in the Second America that will inevitably entangle the First America. It is a study in the death of Civilization by its own collective hand; a severe warning for the West.
AmaBhulu should give pause to every thinking Westerner
On Amazon:          https://www.amazon.com/dp/0992159016
The Book Outline:

AmaBhulu the Blog: 
Posted by Harry Booyens in The Writing of AmaBhulu
AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America was first published in November 2013 as an e-book, and is now also available in a 630 page B&W printed softcover edition. This work is a comprehensive study of the complete history of South Africa, but with the unique differentiation that it tracks a few real bloodlines through that entire history. AmaBhulu describes how real individuals of European and North American descent experienced that epic history on the ground. The reader is placed among these real people. The author is the first to point out that his family is in this respect “dreadfully typical” and completely representative. AmaBhulu is therefore not a family history, but a History of a Nation by way of a few example bloodlines who happened to have been at the key formative events in that history.
These bloodlines systematically converge and by the 1950s they lead to the author and his wife, proving the author’s natural DNA-based authority in writing on the subject. AmaBhulu thereby also differs from the library of books by British newspapermen talking either about or to Afrikaners who are then treated as “subjects”. In AmaBhulu the world may hear an ordinary Afrikaner—not a reporter beholden to his editor, politician beholden to his party, or government-paid political history professor beholden to his pay cheque—talking about his own people based on actual experience, backed by solid evidence. The author is beholden to no one and no thing; only to his conscience, to his ethics, and to his respect for evidence.
AmaBhulu provides more than 1280 notes in evidence and a massive 270 bibliographic entries in support of any points it makes. The evidence is often from 17th-19th century texts, communications, or diaries. In more recent cases, the evidence is provided from British Hansardrecords and recently cleared US State Department documents. The author even provides recent documented supporting evidence from the enemy he was opposing.
Join the author in the epic and painful story of the Afrikaner nation as it evolves at the southern tip of Africa to build the country that became to Africa what America was to the world in the 20th century. In one sense, it is the story of what would have happened to the United States if it had not gained independence in the 18th century.
In 1797 the British Royal Navy was concerned that South Africa would become a “Second America” and take India from them. AmaBhulu holds stern warning for the First America if it wishes to avoid the present sad fate of the Second America.

Today's show:


​The crux of what I will have to say on Sunday, if you allow me, can best be understood by reading what I wrote on 29 August 2017. That is now almost three years ago. It has all simply become much more obvious and “in your face”:

I was reminded of this article of mine by a creature claiming a classic Welsh name, and located in one of three spots I traced him to in the UK, who tried to post the following in response to it on my Wordpress blog this very morning:
The United States of America is nothing more than a glorified parasite, leading the masses into wars for either easily replaceable resources or simply disagreeing with them. As far as I'm concerned, America Must Fall.

"A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another." - Mao Zedong

I trust this helps clarify what you are up against. You guys are now in the fight for your very existence that I have been warning about.

Every weakness will be exploited, every positive step abused, every plea laughed at, every decent person scorned, every good principle overturned, and your Christian Faith derided. And the weak among you will fold and acquiesce, and be trod asunder. Those who give their support will be chewed up and spat out when no longer useful. You worst enemy will be those who think they can make it go away by indulgence. This is not a time for the Blessed or the Meek.

Harry Booyens | Author | AmaBhulu
Blog: AmaBhulu

Shows with Dr. Harry Booyens: