WASHINGTON TIMES: Losing World War III inside
America's borders
Mass violence in U.S. cities must be
inspiring for terrorists and dictatorships looking to
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Illustration on current American vulnerability by Alexander
Hunter/The Washington Times
By Dr. Peter Vincent Pry - - Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Foreign adversaries planning the next big war now have two
examples of the United States being unable to cope with
revolutionary violence in the homeland.
During the 1960s, the New Left, anti-war, Black liberation
and counterculture movements spawned rioting, looting,
burning, killing police and 4,000 bombings.
Today, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are stoking
revolutionary violence — 4,000 bombings haven’t happened
yet, but the revolution is just starting.
Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang and Tehran see the U.S.
government helpless to stop mayhem in America’s cities,
mayors and governors cowed, police “taking the knee” in
token surrender, revolution right outside the White House.
Tyrannies never tolerate much if any peaceful protest, let
alone violence. They ruthlessly crush dissent.
For example, China killed
at least 10,000 of the Tianamen Square peaceful protesters,
according to a secret U.K. estimate. Human Rights Watch
estimates North Korea has 120,000 concentration camp inmates
and killed 400,000 suspected of disloyalty.
Dictatorships know America’s free and open society is
potentially a wartime Achilles heel.
The USSR planned operations by elite Spetsnaz and GRU
special forces to paralyze U.S. warfighting and nuclear
retaliatory capabilities at home, including by vaporizing
the White House and Pentagon with man-delivered “nuclear
suitcases.” (See GRU Col. Stanislav Lunev and KGB Col. Oleg
Gordievsky’s testimony, House
Armed Services Committee, Jan. 24, 2000; Oct. 26,
1999 and Col. Lunev’s book “Through the Eyes of the Enemy”
Ninety days and counting of mass violence in U.S. cities
must be inspiring among hostile foreign Napoleons a
Renaissance planning special forces operations designed to
win a war — even before the outset of war — by defeating
America at home.
Enemy special forces could blackout national electric grids,
crippling U.S. power projection (the national grid supplies
99% of electricity used by CONUS military bases),
coordinated with an Information Warfare campaign blaming
Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Then the real aggressor —
Russia, China,
North Korea or Iran — could make their overt move against
the Baltic states, Taiwan, South Korea or Israel.
The president and Pentagon would be reluctant, and perhaps
deterred altogether, from a major war opposing overseas
aggression with a crippled military, while believing,
mistakenly, that the United States is already facing an
existential threat from domestic terrorists.
Security at U.S. military bases and even for U.S. bombers,
ICBMs and submarines is designed for a 1950s “Ozzie and
Harriet” America where Antifa and Spetsnaz were unthinkable.
Enemy special forces masquerading as domestic or
international terrorists could shootdown bombers and
tankers. Modern shoulder-fired SAMs like Russia’s SA-7,
SA-14, SA-16 and SA-18 have proliferated around the world
(50,000 manufactured) and can range outside peacetime
security zones for USAF bases.
ICBMs can be shot-down during boost-phase by snipers armed
with hunting rifles or shoulder-fired SAMs.
Submarines, both ballistic missile and attack subs, could be
targeted in their berths by armed drones (like those used by
Iran to destroy the Saudi Abqaiq-Khurais oil refinery in
2019), by shoulder-fired missiles, or even by armor-piercing
sniper fire. Just one hole in the pressure hull of a
submarine would render it inoperable.
The loss of just a few, or even one, bomber, tanker or
submarine to “terrorists” during “peacetime” could become
enormously consequential when Russia, China,
North Korea or Iran make their “big play” overseas. Even
unsuccessful attacks on U.S. strategic forces or critical
infrastructures by “domestic terrorists” could deter or
significantly slow U.S. reaction to overseas aggression,
until the homeland is assuredly secure.
The present worldwide advertisement of U.S. homeland
insecurity in places like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis,
Kenosha, Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C., coincides
with a revolution in special forces super-weapons:
• China’s
Pterodactyl drone can fly 15,000 miles, from Beijing to
Chicago and back, carrying smart bombs while jamming radars
and conducting electronic warfare.
• China’s
CH-500 unmanned mini-helicopter carries laser-guided
missiles, can shoot through windows and destroy tanks.
• Russia’s rocket-propelled grenade launchers like the RPO-M
lob a thermobaric warhead, giving one lone gunman firepower
equivalent to a 152mm howitzer firing high-explosive shells.
• Russia and China both
have battle robots armed with guns that can deliver
• Russia and China both
have sniper super-rifles that can fire armor-piercing rounds
over 3 kilometers.
• Even Iran has armed drones that can travel hundreds of
kilometers and deliver strikes with great accuracy. Such
drones could be equipped with a non-nuclear EMP warhead and
programmed to follow powerlines to blackout electric grids.
Most of Russia and China’s
special forces super-weapons are available to client states
North Korea and Iran.
Some super-weapons used during a “Gray-Zone War” inside the
United States could give away the game that attacks are not
from Antifa. But the best, most effective, weapons could be
used last, just before the conflict goes big and overt,
becoming a major war against the United States or allies.
Another military disadvantage of being a free and open
society is that bad guys can easily stockpile special
weapons within U.S. borders long before hostilities.
America must not become a “surveillance state” like China.
However, we do need better security for military bases,
including “Iron Dome” anti-missile/drone defenses and
hardened shelters for submarines.
America’s life matters.
• Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, director of the Task Force on
National and Homeland Security, served as chief of staff on
the Congressional EMP Commission, and on the staffs of the House
Armed Service Committee and the CIA. He is author
most recently of “The Power And The Light” (Amazon.com).IGN
AMERICAN THINKER: The Enemy Within Our Nuclear Weapon Labs
By Dr.
Peter Vincent Pry (September
5, 2020)
President Trump needs to “drain the swamp” at national
laboratories responsible for maintaining the safety and
reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons -- starting with Sandia
National Laboratory.
Christopher Rufo and Tyler Durden (see “Sandia
Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee Who Sparked Internal Revolt
Over Critical Race Theory”) are
among the few journalists who are spotlighting Sandia’s
treasonous program to brainwash white male employees that
America is inherently racist and evil.
The Left-stream national media are burying this story.
Casey Peterson is an electrical engineer at Sandia National
Laboratory, one of thousands of white male employees forced
to undergo brainwashing in something called “White Men’s
Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in
This “training” is mandatory for all white males employed at
Sandia and is paid for by taxpayers.
Heroically, Peterson exposed Sandia’s indoctrination in “Critical
Race Theory”
-- the ideology of Black Lives Matters and Antifa promoting
revolutionary violence against the U.S. government and the
existing social order.
Peterson sent an e-mail to Sandia’s 16,000 employees and
posted a two-hour YouTube briefing “Pushing
Back on the Narrative of Modern Systemic Racism and White
Privilege” which exposes the fallacies of critical race
“Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal
institutions are inherently racist and that race itself,
instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a
socially constructed concept that is used by white people to
further their economic and political interests at the
expense of people of colour.”
“The way Systemic Racism and White Privilege are represented
and taught today are, at a minimum, controversial and vastly
“Much of the mainstream claims and data are outright false.”
“Racism is NOT a public health crisis.”
“Systemic Racism is NOT a major problem in 2020 America.”
Peterson notes that Sandia employees are “scared to speak
out” because of a “repressive lab culture.” Peterson
correctly observes: “We need to completely rip [CRT] out of
Sandia root and stem… It is cancer and we need to get it out
of the labs right now.”
For bravely telling these truths, Sandia is punishing
Peterson by putting him on paid administrative leave while
launching an “investigation” to get him fired. “Sandia
executives have made it clear: they want to force critical
race theory, race-segregated training, and white male
reeducation camps on their employees -- and all dissent will
be severely punished. Progressive employees will be
rewarded; conservative employees will be purged,” Tyler
Durden concludes from Sandia’s persecution of Peterson.
Christopher Rufo reports, “According to multiple
sources, the executives who have pushed the most toxic
elements of critical race theory and race-segregated
trainings are James Peery, Dori Ellis, David White, and Mark
James Peery is Director of Sandia National Laboratory (SNL).
Ellis is SNL’s Associate Lab Director for Energy and
Department of Homeland Security Programs, also
affiliated with the University of California and the
Russian Academy of Sciences, according to her SNL
David White is SNL’s Director of Cyber Research and
Development, whose SNL biography indicates his gender
preference is (He/Him).
Sellers is SNL’s Associate Director for the Mission
Assurance Division for Department of Defense weapon
President Trump should immediately suspend these SNL
executives before they do more damage to U.S. national
security. Although there is an Inspector General (IG)
investigation ongoing, more often than not, IGs -- who are
funded by and work for the departments and agencies they are
supposed to investigate -- provide political cover for
Dangerously for America’s survival, all the so-called
"nuclear weapon labs" have become countercultural sinecures
for the Left. Politicization of the labs deeply corrupts
their capabilities to do science, for example: Sandia’s
gross underestimation of the EMP threat, hysterical views on
"climate change," and irrational commitment to a so-called
"science-based stockpile stewardship program" that cannot
really guarantee the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear
A former senior scientist at SNL shared these observations
with me:
“A well-known university scientist who was a member of the
Union of Concerned Scientists told me that he would not send
good students to the National Laboratories but would write
strong recommendations for poor students in order to help
sabotage its staff.”
“The young current workers at Sandia were all fervent Bernie
supporters whereas the retirees (from a former generation)
were quite different. The present people will not have the
sense of duty and commitment that motivated the development
of the weapons of the past.”
“Edward Teller [inventor of the H-bomb]… wished that the
weapons laboratories would change from being multi-purpose
laboratories to being devoted to their original task
[nuclear weapons]. I was present with Edward when he
suggested to a laboratory director that a dedicated
laboratory of one-third the size would better serve the
nation than an aimless multipurpose laboratory. Needless to
say, Edward’s suggestion was not well received.”
Sandia, Los Alamos, and Livermore are more accurately
"anti-nuclear weapon labs." Their Left-leaning cultural
climate, imposing "Critical Race Theory" on employees,
undermines loyalty to the United States and greatly
increases risk of treasonous activities, including betraying
nuclear secrets to hostile foreign governments.
NOTE: On September 4, 2020,
President Trump issued a memo through the Office of
Management and Budget to stop funding “training” federal
employees in “Critical Race Theory” and “White Privilege” as
these are “divisive, anti-American propaganda.”
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is Executive Director of the Task
Force on National and Homeland Security, served as Chief of
Staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, was Director of
the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, and on the staffs of the
House Armed Services Committee and the CIA. He is author
of Will
America Be Protected? (2020 Amazon.com) and The
Power and The Light (2020 Amazon.com).