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MAY 16, 2021


"Update from the Israeli Consulate"

Deputy Consul General, Honorable Matan Zamir

"China Virus and Vaccines - Fact or Fiction?" Part 1

 Peter Friedman


Hour 2


"Update from the Israeli Consulate"

More information from the Consulate: (I'm still adding so check back)

"China Virus and Vaccines - Fact or Fiction?"

with: Peter Friedman

Peter has been studying and lecturing on the threat of Islam to America for over 40 years. Friedman maintains a thorough collection of Korans in English translations beginning with George Sale's translation of 1734. Each one has been studied and researched, and compared to others to document variations in the translations, in spite of the fact that the Arabic of the Koran, first codified in its present form by Caliph Uthman after the death of Muhammad, has never been edited or revised in any manner.

Friedman's background is replete with relationships to the Middle East, especially what was Palestine prior to the formation of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948. Personal family friends were David ben-Gurion, Moshe Guy, Henrietta Szold, and Baron James de Rothschild. Elisha Friedman, a Great Uncle and investment banker, was the Executive Director of the Jewish Agency in New York City in 1922. The Agency was purposefully created by the British Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations to raise funds to purchase land from the Arabs for Jewish settlement. All of the land comprising the State of Israel on May 15, 1948 was bought and paid for. The deeds to the land can be found in the Central Zionist Archives located in Jerusalem. Numerous books have been published on the subject with copies of the deeds included. Elisha Friedman also was a partner of President Herbert Hoover in creating a plan to relocate many Palestinian Arabs to Iraq – a relocation supported completely by Emir Feisal at the time. Funds were actually raised to cover the relocation costs, but other Muslim countries objected on "religious" grounds so the project failed. How might have history been altered had it succeeded!

Many members of Friedman's family were murdered in the Holocaust by the Nazis. It has always been a fascination that the Muslims supported the Germans in both World War 1 and World War 2. In fact, it was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj al Husseini, the Uncle of Yasser Arafat, who supported Hitler by sending Bosnian Muslim soldiers to be a part of the Waffen SS specifically assigned to murder Jews in Germany ! However, earlier, it was this very same Haj al-Husseini, who personally sold 5000 Hectares (like acres of land) near Jerusalem to the Jewish Agency.


Research and expertise on Islam and the Koran:

Friedman is a scholar and researcher who brings in-depth analysis and sterling references to subjects that most people are afraid to discuss !

  • “The Koran Reveled” – What it really says and how it can touch your liberty’s and freedom.
  • “Islam – A Treat To America” An extraordinary lecture – a window into our future ?
  • “Islam and Women” – A factual look into how our wives, daughters and female friends could be persecuted by Sharia Law.
  • “Sharia Finance” A Trojan Horse ? How Muslims have burrowed into our financial system with over $1 TRILLION Dollars !
  • Who Was Napoleon ? How did he and the people around him affect history for us all ?
  • The website was created by Peter M. Friedman containing his research and opinions.  It has come under such heavy attack that he has been forced to take the site down. Please contact him for information on his research, copies of article and invitations to speak.

Firearm Credentials and Experience: 

I have been instructing in firearms for over 50 years. My expertise is mainly in handguns with experience in all calibers from .22LR through .45ACP.  I am a NRA LIFE MEMBER, #140506318, and have been a NRA member for over 45 years. I am also a Founding Member of Oath Keepers.

  • NRA Training Counselor
  • NRA Certified Law Enforcement Handgun Instructor
  • NRA Advanced Defensive Pistol Instructor
  • CA DOJ BSIS Firearms Instructor  #TIF-2323
  • Glock Certified Instructor
  • NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor
  • NRA Certified Basic Rifle Instructor
  • NRA Certified Basic Shotgun Instructor
  • NRA Certified Personal Protection Inside and Outside The Home Instructor
  • NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor/Regional Counselor
  • NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer
  • CA-DOJ Certified Firearm Safety Card  Instructor/Issuer #108551
  • Glock Certified Armorer
  • Sig Sauer Certified Armorer


  • 1963-1965       US Navy Small Arms Instructor – Expert Marksman
  • 1967                Reserve Deputy Sheriff – Los Angeles County, CA
  • 1979-1984       Reserve Deputy Sheriff-Pilot – San Bernardino County, CA
  • 2009-               Oath Keepers – Founding Member
  • 2010-               CA Licensed Guard with Exposed Firearm Permit – all duty calibers
  • 2011-               Sheriff’s Posse – Contra Costa County
  • 2012-               Instructor – Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)


site search by freefind advanced

The China Virus and Vaccines - Fact or Fiction?
For over 100 years theories have existed about world over-population. These ranged from Eugenics programs originating in the United States and England, to the Holocaust in Germany. In fact, in 1974 a classified study was created by the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger (“National Security Study Memorandum 200”). It studied the implications for world population growth and the potential impact on U.S. national security. The result was that population growth in the lesser-developed countries represented a serious threat to U.S. security. This study was officially adopted in 1975 by then President Ford.
COVID-19 Vax.pptx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.1 MB]


U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses
Adobe Acrobat document [42.5 KB]


The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Adobe Acrobat document [13.7 KB]


Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection
Adobe Acrobat document [832.5 KB]


The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)
Adobe Acrobat document [392.0 KB]


Vaccine Excipient Summary Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
Do you know what's in the "vaccines"??????????
Adobe Acrobat document [110.7 KB]


Henry Kissinger: Negotiating Black Majority Rule in Southern Africa
Adobe Acrobat document [506.3 KB]


1974 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security a nd Overseas Interests
Adobe Acrobat document [560.8 KB]


2015 Bat origin of human coronaviruses
This PROVES that Fauci lied about the funding of gain of function experiments!!!!
Bat virus.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [925.3 KB]