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JULY 18, 2021



"Unmasking the Masquerade"

 with Orlean Koehle


Hour 2

About Orlean Koehle:

Eagle Forum of California -

Since 2002, Orlean has been serving as the State President of Eagle Forum of California.  Eagle Forum is a national, conservative, pro-life, pro-family, patriotic organization with the motto “For God, Family, and Country.”
    Orlean grew up on a farm in Roberts, Idaho (near Idaho Falls).  She graduated from Idaho Falls High School, served as Miss Idaho Falls, and after graduating from college at Brigham Young University, she taught school at a junior high in Idaho Falls.  She taught speech, drama and journalism.    
     Orlean has served as a leader in several state and local organizations: such as Concerned Citizens of Sonoma County, Parents Involved in Education, Sonoma County Eagle Forum and served as Vice President and Co-president for the Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated.  She has also served as an elected member of the Republican Central Committee for many years.  She was honored by Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute as their 2004 “Faith and Community” recipient for her many years in public service.
     When her youngest of six children was in the 6th grade, Orlean went back to teaching as a substitute teacher, which she continued for 20 years.  During that time, she did much research and writings on the many changes she saw happening in the public schools since she first began teaching.  She saw more of a very progressive, liberal agenda, with American and world history being rewritten.  She had to teach a two-week unit on Islam for the 7th grade World History course, which woke her up to the indoctrination and white-washing of the Islam history and religion in our schools.  She started researching and writing which ended in a published book called Islam Rising - Christianity Waning in Europe and the USA, published in 2019. 
      In 2006 Orlean founded and served as the first president of the Sonoma County Land Rights Coalition, to help protect rural property and water rights against overbearing government regulations.  She began doing research which led to her writing one of her latest books, California’s Water Crisis – Do You Smell a Fish? – Agenda 21 – updated in 2019.
     Orlean is the author of in total fourteen books.  Her other books are: Looking at Lincoln, the history of Lincoln, Nebraska; The Golden Rule School, which seeks to bring morals, ethics, and character education back into the public schools; By Stealth and Deception, USA Transformation and its Parallel to the European Union, which exposes the hidden history of the United States over the past 100 years;  Just Say No to Big Brother’s Smart Meter, which tells of the dangers of Smart Meters and the two year battle in California, which Eagle Forum was part of, to be able to get an opt out ruling from the California Public Utility Company.
    Orlean wrote two books exposing the big, top down, federal education program called Common Core: Common Core, the Trojan Horse for Education Reform and The Hidden C’s of Common Core (updated to 2017).  In 2013, she started Californians United Against Common Core ( 
    In 2015, she wrote America Needs Revival Not Revision, the Dangers and Risks of an Article V Convention (updated 2018).  She wrote a three-act play: Lessons Learned from Our First Thanksgiving (2015); and three small booklets: What a Novel Idea – Getting Back to the Golden Rule to Stop Mass Shootings in our Public Schools; and “The Rigged System”- Widespread Election Fraud in the USA; and Why the Electoral College? 
      In 2019, her book on 5G was published - Whooah Nellie! - 5G Dangers and Deception of Powerful, New Wireless Technology.  Her most recent books on COVID and the vaccines, Unmasking the Masquerade, Volume I and II, were published in the spring of 2021. 
     Orlean and her husband, Dr. W. Kurt Koehle, PhD, live on acreage outside of Santa Rosa, CA.  Kurt is formerly from Southern Germany, where he and Orlean lived for three years when they were first married.  Kurt is retired from being an administrator at Sonoma State University after 35 years.  They have six children and eight grandchildren.  
    Orlean can be contacted at , or by phone at  707-539-8393, cell phone 707-332-7713.  Her books can be ordered at  and some are available on .


Discussed on Today's Show:
Unmasking the Masquerade - Volume I and II
Volume I – The Ten Ps for Loss of Liberties and Turning the World Upside Down. Volume II – The Charge of the Vaccine Brigade & the Five Ts of Tyranny – Tracing, Testing, Tracking, Transmitting and Transforming
2021 July Orlean Koehle.pdf
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