NOVEMBER 28, 2021 |
Hour 1
Hour 2 |
Dragon" |
with Dr. Peter Vincent Pry |
Click to join the fight with the
EMP Task Force!! |
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry served as Chief of Staff to
the Congressional Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Commission. He is
the Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland
Security, a Congressional Advisory Board dedicated to achieving
protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse (EMP),
Cyber Warfare, mass destruction terrorism and other threats to
civilian critical infrastructures, on an accelerated basis. Dr. Pry
also is Director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum, an
advisory board to Congress on policies to counter Weapons of Mass
Destruction. Foreign governments, including the United Kingdom,
Israel, Canada, and Kazakhstan consult with Dr. Pry on EMP, Cyber,
and other strategic threats.
Pry has excellent articles on NewMax!! Click below:
Dr. Pry served on the staffs of the Congressional Commission on the
Strategic Posture of the United States (2008-2009); the Commission
on the New Strategic Posture of the United States (2006-2008); and
the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack (2001-2008).
Dr. Pry served as Professional Staff on the House Armed Services
Committee (HASC) of the U.S. Congress, with portfolios in nuclear
strategy, WMD, Russia, China, NATO, the Middle East, Intelligence,
and Terrorism (1995-2001). While serving on the HASC, Dr. Pry was
chief advisor to the Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services
Committee and the Vice Chairman of the House Homeland Security
Committee, and to the Chairman of the Terrorism Panel. Dr. Pry
played a key role: running hearings in Congress that warned
terrorists and rogue states could pose EMP and Cyber threats,
establishing the Congressional EMP Commission, helping the
Commission develop plans to protect the United States from EMP and
Cyber Warfare, and working closely with senior scientists and the
nation's top experts on critical infrastructures, EMP and Cyber
Dr. Pry was an Intelligence Officer with the Central Intelligence
Agency responsible for analyzing Soviet and Russian nuclear
strategy, operational plans, military doctrine, threat perceptions,
and developing U.S. paradigms for strategic warning (1985-1995). He
also served as a Verification Analyst at the U.S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency responsible for assessing Soviet arms control
treaty compliance (1984-1985).
Dr. Pry has written numerous books on national security issues,
including Blackout Wars; Apocalypse Unknown: The
Struggle To Protect America From An Electromagnetic Pulse
Catastrophe; Electric Armageddon: Civil-Military
Preparedness For An Electromagnetic Pulse Catastrophe; War
Scare: Russia and America on the Nuclear Brink; Nuclear
Wars: Exchanges and Outcomes; The Strategic Nuclear
Balance: And Why It Matters; and Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal.
Dr. Pry often appears on TV and radio as an expert on national
security issues. The BBC made his book War Scare into a
two-hour TV documentary Soviet War Scare 1983 and his book Electric
Armageddon was the basis for another TV documentary Electronic
Armageddon made by the National Geographic.
Click to join the fight with the
EMP Task Force!! |
on today's Show: |

Operation Dragon: Inside the
Kremlin's Secret War on
Former Director of Central
Intelligence R. James Woolsey and
former Romanian acting spy chief Lt.
General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who was
granted political asylum in the U.S.
in 1978, describe why Russia remains
an extremely dangerous force in the
world, and they finally and
definitively put to rest the
question of who killed President
Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
All evidence points to the fact that
the assassination―carried out by Lee
Harvey Oswald―was ordered by Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev, acting
through what was essentially the
Russian leader’s personal army, the
KGB (now known as the FSB). This
evidence, which is codified as most
things in foreign intelligence are,
has never before been jointly
decoded by a top U.S. foreign
intelligence leader and a former
Soviet Bloc spy chief familiar with
KGB patterns and codes.
Meanwhile, dozens of conspiracy
theorists have written books about
the JFK assassination during the
past fifty-six years. Most of these
theories blame America and were
largely triggered by the KGB
disinformation campaign implemented
in the intense effort to remove
Russia’s own fingerprints that
blamed in turn Lyndon Johnson, the
CIA, secretive groups of American
oilmen, Howard Hughes, Fidel Castro,
and the Mafia.
Russian propaganda sowed hatred and
contempt for the U.S. quite
effectively, and its operations have
morphed into many forms, including
the recruitment of global terror
groups and the backing of enemy
nation- states. Yet it was the JFK
assassination, with its explosive
aftermath of false conspiracy
theories, that set the model for
blaming America first.

Rigged: How the Media, Big
Tech, and the Democrats
Seized Our Elections
It was a devastating triple punch.
Capping their four-year campaign to
destroy the Trump presidency, the
media portrayed a Democratic victory
as necessary and inevitable. Big
Tech, wielding unprecedented powers,
vaporized dissent and erased damning
reports about the Biden family's
corruption. And Democratic
operatives, exploiting a public
health crisis, shamelessly
manipulated the voting process
itself. Silenced and subjected, the
American people lost their faith in
the system.
RIGGED is the definitive account of
the 2020 election. Based
on Mollie Hemingway's exclusive
interviews with campaign officials,
reporters, Supreme Court justices,
and President Trump himself, it
exposes the fraud and cynicism
behind the Democrats' historic
Rewriting history is a specialty of
the radical left, now in control of
America's political and cultural
heights. But they will have to
contend with the determination,
insight, and eloquence of Mollie
Hemingway. RIGGED is a reminder for
weary patriots that truth is still
the most powerful weapon. The stakes
for our democracy have never been
Blacking Out Civilization with
Robotic Terrorism Nov 10, 2021
My new book "Blackout Warfare" warns
that drones or unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) can be used to black
out national power grids.
Now, according to an FBI and DHS
memo recently reported in the press,
in July 2020 a drone made a failed
attack on the Pennsylvania electric
power grid. The drone, trailing
electrical conductors intended to
short out high-voltage powerlines at
a transformer substation, crashed on
a roof before reaching its target.
The perpetrator has not yet been
Blacking Out Civilization With
Robotic T[...]
Microsoft Word document [53.3 KB]
We are far beyond a “Sputnik moment”
Nov 16, 2021
In 1957, I was only three years old,
but distinctly remember standing in
the front yard of my grandmother’s
house, with my parents, brothers,
and cousins, all of us gazing at the
night sky, fascinated and terrified
as the world’s first satellite
passed overhead among the stars, the
USSR’s Sputnik.
Today it is still controversial
whether Sputnik could be seen with
the naked eye. Some argue what was
seen was the large booster that
orbited both the little satellite
and itself, following Sputnik across
the sky.
Sputnik is unimpressive by today’s
standards, just a small polished
metal sphere, 23 inches in diameter,
carrying batteries for radio
transmissions from four projecting
antennae. It orbited four months
before burning-up on re-entry.
Microsoft Word document [614.8 KB]
China will probably have 4,000
nuclear warheads by 2030 Nov 18,
Two of the most untrustworthy
sources of information on planet
Earth are Communist China and the
politicized Biden intelligence
Recently, the intelligence community
raised its estimate of the number of
nuclear warheads that China will
have by 2030 from 400 to 1,000—in
effect acknowledging that their
original estimate was too low by
And the new estimate is still way
too low, probably by 400%, because
China will probably have 4,000
nuclear warheads by 2030.
For years, the intelligence
community and academics, the latter
mostly China-friendly “scholars” and
anti-nuclear activists, have
low-balled China’s nuclear arsenal
as comprising about 300 warheads.
Microsoft Word document [80.0 KB]
Books by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry: |

Blackout Warfare: Attacking The U.S. Electric
Power Grid A Revolution In Military Affairs
by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
"Blackout Warfare" is the term used in this
report to describe a revolutionary new way
of warfare planned by Russia, China, North
Korea, and Iran that is little understood in
the United States, but poses an imminent and
existential threat to Western Civilization.
These potential adversaries plan to use
cyber-attacks, sabotage, and electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) weapons read
Power And The Light: The Congressional EMP
Commission's War To Save America 2001-2020
by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
manmade or natural, from solar superstorms, can
blackout electric grids and other
life-sustaining critical infrastructures putting
at risk the lives of millions. 9 of 10 Americans
could die from starvation, disease, or societal
collapse from a nuclear EMP attack that
blacks-out the U.S. for a year. A solar
superstorm could blackout electric grids
worldwide, putting at risk the lives of
billions. A small heroic band of scientists and
national security experts serving on the
Congressional EMP Commission have been striving
for 20 years to protect America from the
existential threat that is EMP. Their war to
save America from ignorant armies that are the
government bureaucracy, electric utility
lobbies, and an irresponsible press is not yet
won, and may soon be lost. |
Wars: State Initiatives to Achieve Preparedness
Against an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, David Drummond, et al.
Blackout Wars is about
the historically unprecedented threat to our
electronic civilization from its dependence on
the electric power grid. Most Americans have
experienced temporary blackouts, and regard them
as merely an inconvenience. Some Americans have
experienced more protracted local and regional
blackouts, as in the aftermaths of Hurricanes
Sandy and Katrina, and may be better able to
imagine the consequences of a nationwide
blackout lasting months or years, that plunges
the entire United States into the dark. read
more |
Manhattan Project
by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry 2018
The electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) threat to the United States is
existential and growing. EMPs can occur with a
nuclear explosion in space, cyberattacks,
terrorist attacks, physical threats or a large
coronal mass ejection from the sun, all of which
are described in this book. Any of these EMPs
could wipe out not only our electric grid, but
anything with a computer chip in it, sending the
U.S. back to the 1850s. Within a year after grid
failure, the EMP Commission tells us that 9 out
of 10 Americans will succumb to dehydration,
starvation, gang and other violence, murder,
suicide, breakdown of society and diseases. The
government needs to take action now by forming
an EMP Manhattan Project that focuses on
hardening our electric grid. If it doesn't,
those who survive will be existing in a country
unrecognizable. read
more |
Preparedness For An Electromagnetic Pulse
by Dr. Peter
Vincent Pry
In my long experience,
no other single issue has been such a scientific
and national security conundrum as
electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The phenomenon
itself is not easy to explain to non-scientists,
be they policymakers, generals, or ordinary
citizens. The EMP threat seems like the stuff of
science fiction. Yet your life depends upon
understanding EMP. |
Scare: Russia and America on the Nuclear Brink
by Dr. Peter
Vincent Pry
Why do some American
intelligence officials maintain fallout shelters
and private contingency plans to evacuate their
families in the event of a Russian nuclear
strike―even in today's post-Cold War era of
U.S.-Russian partnership? The frightening answer
lies within the pages of War Scare, a terrifying
assessment of the prospect for nuclear holocaust
in our day. Written by Peter Vincent Pry, a
former CIA military analyst, War Scare provides
a history of our country's little-known brushes
with nuclear war and warns that, contrary to
popular opinion and the assurances of our
political leaders, the possibility of a Russian
attack still exists. Nuclear deterrence has been
the foundation of Western security for the last
50 years, but since the end of the Cold War,
Russian military doctrine has become more
destabilizing, and much more dangerous, than is
commonly believed.
more |
Russia's New Doomsday Machine
by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry | Jun 14, 2018
"POSEIDON: Russia's New Doomsday Machine"
describes Moscow's unmanned automated drone
submarine designed to deliver a 100-megaton
warhead to inundate U.S. coasts with nuclear
tsunamis, leaving the most populous parts of
America radioactive wastelands. Is this the real
purpose of POSEIDON? What are the strategic
implications of this new doomsday weapon, the
latest in a series of Russian doomsday machines?
What are the implications of the marriage in
POSEIDON of Artificial Intelligence with the
most powerful nuclear weapon ever built? Author
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is one of the nation's
foremost experts on nuclear weapons and
strategy. Pry is Executive Director of the Task
Force on National and Homeland Security and of
the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both
Congressional Advisory Boards. He served as
Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP
Commission, on the staffs of the Congressional
Strategic Posture Commission and the House Armed
Services Committee, and in the CIA. |