APRIL 24, 2022




HOUR 1  "Don't Take the High Road"    WE THE PEOPLE RADIO

With Dr. Phillip Drum D., FCSHP and Corrine Gasperm
                                             HOUR 2    "The Science of Cannabis"    WE THE PEOPLE RADIO
With  Jesse "Jay" LeBlanc III

About Philip Drum, Pharm, D., FCSHP:


Philip Drum received his doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of California – San Francisco. He is a licensed pharmacist for 31 years who has had a wide range of experiences – from community pharmacy practice, a residency in Hospital Pharmacy, practice as a hospital-based Oncology pharmacist, Pharmacy Administration work as a Clinical Coordinator and later a Regional Manager and leader of regional pharmacy training and patient safety programs. He has been active in Pharmacy Associations and has spoken state-wide and nationally on various pharmaceutical topics. As a result of a family tragedy, he has been active in research on driving and marijuana and educating the public over the dangers of marijuana in society.

Food for Thought:

April 20 - the pot holiday  :-( 

Hopefully, the public will be more protected by simply informing them by placing "Drive High get a DUI" on all amber alert signs.

This should be initiated today (April 19) through April 21.

Scientific data SHOULD be hard to ignore - see below

From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5876802/ 

The 25-year study interval identified 1.3 million drivers involved in 882 483 crashes causing 978 328 fatalities. In total, 1369 drivers were involved in fatal crashes after 4:20 pm on April 20 whereas 2453 drivers were in fatal crashes on control days during the same time intervals (corresponding to 7.1 and 6.4 drivers in fatal crashes per hour, respectively).

The risk of a fatal crash was significantly higher on April 20 (relative risk, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.05-1.19; P = .001).

This is a 12% increase in deaths - similar to the increase in deaths on Super Bowl Sundays - due to alcohol driving impairment.

This even happens in the UK .... pathetic.

Accident Analysis and Prevention2019 Jul;128:248-252.

 doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2019.02.013. Epub 2019 Mar 20.

The relative risk of motor vehicle collision on cannabis celebration day in Great Britain

Sotiris Vandoros 1Ichiro Kawachi 2




Cannabis celebration day, also known as "420 day", takes place at 4:20pm on April 20 every year. The objective of this paper is to study whether there is an increase in road traffic collisions in Great Britain on that day. We used daily car crash data resulting in death or injury from all 51 local police forces covering Great Britain over the period 2011-2015. We compared crashes from 4:20pm onwards on April 20 to control days on the same day of the week in the preceding and succeeding two weeks, using panel data econometric models. On the average cannabis celebration day in Britain, there were an additional 23 police-reported collisions compared to control days, corresponding to a 17.9% increase in the relative risk of collision.

Tennessee bill requiring drunken drivers in fatal crashes to pay child support to victim's children unanimously passed
The bill was amended from “Bentley’s Law” to “Ethan’s, Hailey’s, and Bentley’s Law,” all children of victims killed in drunken driving crashes.

Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/Aa4qNrq-YTVqNwUEVUpJE3w

"Changes must be made in the laws to protect Californians from marijuana-impaired drivers" 

WHY hasn't the states legislature begun to protect us from impaired drivers (why have they NOT written bills?) 

The CA State Legislature  have had this report since January 2021 (it was as a result of SB 94 and Prop 64) .... the task force worked on these recommendations from 2017 - 2020

It has only been 25 years since medical marijuana people started driving on our roadways and there are probably at least 3 people dying per day from a marijuana-impaired driver in California ....

(Note: Someone at the CHP CHANGED the word "shall" (meaning MUST do something) to "should" .... AND someone removed the timelines for when the recommendations shall be accomplished) 

We need the public to demand:

1) that ALL of these recommendations become "SHALL",

2) laws be written, and

3) there be a 2 years time frame for ALL to be implemented.


Data Recommendations:
1. The state should track all driving under the influence (DUI) and driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) toxicology outcomes from all
laboratories, including the number of samples submitted, the number of samples tested, and all sample results.
2. The state should track all DUI and DUID arrest outcomes, including case filing charges, diversion outcomes, plea agreements, trial outcomes, and the final case disposition.
3. The state should track all DUI and DUID involved crashes.
4. The state should analyze all collected DUI and DUID data for the purposes of developing better methods to screen for and prevent DUI
and DUID. The data used in the analysis should be published in an annual statewide report and guide the future direction of DUI policy


Cannabis Consumer Education Recommendations:
1. The state should provide responsible sales and consumption practices training to all cannabis retailers, cannabis consumption lounges, event organizers, license holders, and home delivery services, similar to responsible alcohol beverage service/sales training.
2. The state should provide guidelines for advertisers displaying cannabis related products which includes the legal consumption age for
cannabis, and information related to the risks of impaired driving.
3. The state should require cannabis retailers, cannabis consumption lounges, cannabis event organizers, cannabis license holders, and
cannabis delivery services to provide educational information to consumers, which could include pamphlets, posters, digital messaging,
and/or other appropriate mediums related to the responsible use of cannabis and other drugs. Messaging should include:
a. Warnings regarding the dangers of impaired driving, the risks of underage cannabis use, and possible risks associated with
polysubstance use.
b. Cannabis consumption sites should provide information regarding locally available alternate transportation to all consumers.

4. The state should provide age appropriate education for youth and adults on the effects of the use of cannabis, and impact of impaired
5. The state should expand training opportunities related to impaired driving for the legal and judiciary system, including:
a. Within two years of being appointed and annually thereafter, all Criminal Justice Officers (judges, defense attorneys, and
prosecutors) should receive training which covers addiction, drug abuse, behavior modification, factors contributing to impairment,
and bias in arrest/prosecution.
6. The state should provide training to persons working in the medical and pharmacy fields regarding the dangers of impaired driving by alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, and impairing over the counter (OTC) drugs.
7. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) should require traffic schools to add information related to the dangers of cannabis
and drug impairment to their curriculum and include a victim impact panel component with their courses


Law Enforcement Recommendations:
1. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) should require Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) training (16 hours) be taught in all law enforcement academies in California.
2. All law enforcement personnel assigned to traffic enforcement responsibilities should receive Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) training within one year of being assigned, and bi-annual continuing education related to impaired driving.
3. The CHP and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) should make all efforts to increase the number of Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE) trained officers statewide by four percent over the next five years.
 (NOTE: This recommendation was CHANGED from the Committee's recommendation of increasing  "4% PER YEAR"  over the next five years)
4. An officer certified as a DRE should receive incentive pay during the time the officer remains certified.
5. Law enforcement should use the best available roadside presumptive screening device and confirmatory tests in the most expedient manner for possible drug and alcohol impaired driving investigations.
6. Law enforcement should encourage the use of mobile video/audio recording devices and body worn cameras to record/capture
impaired driving incidents and investigations, whenever practical.
7. Oral fluid and breath analytical devices are being developed. These devices should be studied by law enforcement, crime laboratories,
and academics to gauge their ability to assist officers with detecting impaired drivers. Additionally, further studies should be conducted to
determine if oral fluid is a suitable medium for collection of a chemical test sample pursuant to CVC Section 23612.


Toxicology Recommendations:
1. The state should provide additional funding to state and local government crime laboratories conducting forensic toxicology to purchase more efficient and sensitive testing equipment and to provide funding for personnel to conduct forensic toxicology testing. 
2. The state should establish well defined evidence collection procedures for DUID, similar to the procedures found in California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 17, relating to alcohol.
3. Crime laboratories conducting forensic toxicology testing should test blood samples for alcohol and all Tier I compounds, in at least one
recommended matrix, at the prescribed threshold concentrations, for both screening and confirmation testing.
4. If blood is going to be collected as part of a DUI or DUID investigation, it should be collected as soon as possible after the arrest, and should include an extended drug panel, with confirmatory and quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry or gas chromatography–mass spectrometry used to confirm positive results.
5. Crime laboratories conducting forensic toxicology testing should continue to evaluate National Safety Council recommendations
related to forensic toxicology testing and when new standards are recommended, laboratories should strive to implement those

6. Drugs affect people differently depending on the type of drug consumed, a person’s tolerance, the method of ingestion, and other
factors. As such, a per se limit for drugs, other than ethanol, should not be enacted at this time. However, the state should continue to
advance research in this area in the event science finds it can establish drug per se limits

Research Recommendations:
1. The state should continue to fund impaired driving research projects for the purposes of learning new information related to how best to detect and test DUI and DUID drivers.
2. New DUI and DUID research studies should consider key issues including the time elapsed since the substance use: the method of
administration; dosage; and most importantly, how test results relate to impaired driving including the best methods to identify impaired
3. Behavioral, physiological, and chemical testing research should address issues of validity and reliability, performance under various
environmental conditions, and follow best practices for test development as established by relevant academic and/or professional entities.

California Highway Patrol Recommendations:
In addition to the IDTF recommendations, the CHP has proposed the following recommendations for consideration:
1. The state should require coroners and medical examiners to perform drug and alcohol testing for all fatally injured drivers, passengers, and pedestrians involved in traffic crashes. The results should continue to be reported to the CHP.
2. Law enforcement agencies with traffic enforcement responsibilities should develop and implement law enforcement phlebotomy
programs for the purposes of securing timely blood samples and preserving evidence of impairment.
3. Codify the use of oral fluid drug screening devices making them analogs to preliminary alcohol screening devices used for roadside
screening, refer to CVC Section 23612(h) and 23612(i) for additional information.
4. The state should establish an ongoing Impaired Driving Working Group, headed by the California OTS, which should include the CHP,
California Department of Justice (DOJ), California DMV, and others as determined by the California OTS, for the purposes of improving
processes, identifying areas of need, and highlighting funding priorities for the California OTS and the CHP’s respective grant programs 



After the tragic loss of my daughter, Jennifer Corinne Hrobuchak, on July 24th, 2012, I have dedicated myself to preventing another needless tragedy, such as ours, and to help educate and protect innocent lives in our communities.  My mission is to positively impact and educate our society on the harms of current day marijuana, through tools and strategies of safe driving.

Prevention is the Key to Success


Advocacy Initiatives

2018 – Present

Instrumental in developing a parent-based task force to help educate and inform parents of the dangers of the road.  Helped roll out interactive web-site for all the schools in our county for parents and teenagers.


2018 - Present

On the Board and Executive Committee for Prevention Action Alliance.


2013 – Present

Speaker for Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) throughout the U.S.A.


2017 - 2018

Co-chair of Teen Safe Driving of Delaware Ohio.


2013 - 2017

Ambassador, Lifeline of Ohio (Donate Life) Spoke in Columbus and surrounding area high schools with an educator about what it means to be an organ/tissue donator.


2012 - 2017

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) of Central Ohio Speaker for MADD Ohio.  Successfully chaired two Central Ohio MADD walks helping to achieve the goals set by the national campaign.  Assisted in the successful lobbing campaign for the ignition lock bill in the Ohio Legislature.




2001 - 2004

Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio.




Public speaker on today’s marijuana and the dangers it poses to the unsuspecting public.

Following through on key strategies involving the education of parents and teenagers on the dangers of illicit drug use in our society.

Developing and implementing strategic focus.

Developing alliances throughout our communities and other key organizations.


Relevant Activities


Co-chair of Safe Teen Driving Delaware Ohio Task Force.

Board member and secretary of Parents Opposed to Pot (POTP).

Member of Mom’s Strong.

Ambassador, Lifeline of Ohio.

Member of the Legislation Pillar of the Ohio State University Risk Institute’s National Focus on Distracted Driving.

National Speaker for Smart Approached to Marijuana (SAM).

Member of Marijuana Victims Alliance (MVA).

Former member, speaker and walk coordinator for MADD of Ohio.

Testified at the New Jersey Black Caucus against the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Testified for the task force against the legalization of medical marijuana in the Ohio Legislature.

Attended the Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Atlanta, Georgia.

Member of Drug Free Delaware Ohio non-profit organization.

Attended and participated in the SAM Summit in Anaheim, California.

Successfully completed Enforcement Class in the Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving class.

Spoke for Delaware Health District’s kickoff of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign.

Guest speaker at Delaware County Criminal Justice Association meeting.

Spokesperson for the media release in the High Means DUI Campaign, San Diego, California.

Spoke at the Let’s Be Clear Town Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

Spoke at the Drug Recognition Expert Conference in Nashville, Tennessee and spoke for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration roll out of their new campaign, If You Feel Different, You Drive Different.

HOUR 2:       WE THE PEOPLE RADIO       "The Science of Cannabis"


About our Guest: Jesse "Jay" LeBlanc III, BSME

Jesse graduated summa cum laude from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1998.  For over 20 years, he provided services as both an employee and consultant on the inspection, repair, design, and operation of chemical, refined products (gasoline and diesel fuel), and crude oil pipelines for ExxonMobil Pipeline Company.  He also performed risk assessments and hazardous operation reviews for multiple pipeline related projects.  While an employee at ExxonMobil, he received numerous awards as an engineering mentor and for his novel solutions that solved several engineering problems. 

Before obtaining his mechanical engineering degree, he worked for 17 years in the aircraft industry as a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) licensed Airframe and Powerplant technician and as an Authorized Inspector.  During this time period, he was certified to maintain and repair multiple turbine-powered helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, including turboprops and business jets.  Prior to and during this time period, he was a FAA licensed Private Pilot.

Jesse also recently contributed a chapter, “THC & CBD Decomposition and Terpene Hazards While Vaping or Dabbing”, to the medical text book edited by Dr. Ken Finn, “Cannabis in Medicine, and Evidence Based Approach”.   He also has written articles for the parent support group, Every Brain Matters, one of which was an expose’ on Delta-8-THC, Delta-9-THC, and THC-O Acetate. 

Cannabinoid Thermal Decomp and Vaporizat[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [6.1 MB]
Pot Safari-Summarized Key Medical Points
Read this first and Jay's additional comments are below:
Pot Safari-Summarized Key Medical Points[...]
Microsoft Word document [75.5 KB]

Refer to the attachment (above).  You can find a used copy of this book sometimes on Ebay, Abe's Books, or Amazon:

My comments regarding Chapters 12 and 13 of “Pot Safari”:  (read the attached summary first)

Having programmed in at least four different computer languages over the past twenty plus years, including at my current consulting job, the similarities between computer-based programming and the human endocrine system are hard to ignore.  They both incorporate, for example, “timers” that determine when specific changes are to occur (such as puberty or menstruation) and many “if–then” statements where “if” a specific condition exists, “then” a specific action is taken.  Based on the past and present science, one can readily identify the fact that cannabinoids are potential endocrine disrupters; they can hijack the user’s endocrine system and modify hormonal “timers” along with hormonal “if-then” statements, all with ill effects.  Why is this havoc being caused by a so-called “natural” or “God-given” plant? 

If one looks purely at the science behind the marijuana or hemp plants vast array of cannabinoids (and terpenes), it is evident that these chemicals are the plant’s natural defense system against herbivores.  The effects caused by some of these cannabinoids, such as THC, illustrate how these plants have evolved over millennia to protect itself; these chemicals can prevent its enemies from reproducing or having offspring that can survive long-term in the wild.  This simple conclusion is clearly supported in chapters 12 and 13 in “Pot Safari”. 

Futher, another indication that this conclusion may indeed be true is the fact that coincidentally, several of the THC and CBD isomers (an isomer is a molecule or compound which has the same molecular formula, but generally behave differently) are related to some type of hormone associated with reproduction and/or sexual development.  In the case of THC and CBD, there are several other organic chemical molecules that have the same molecular formula, C21H30O2:

Cannabis Related Isomers:

1.       Tetrahydrocannabinol – THC

2.       Cannabidiol -CBD

3.       Abnormal cannabidiol (Abn-CBD) -  a synthetic positional isomer of cannabidiol

4.       Cannabichromene – One of hundreds of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant

5.       Cannabicyclol (CBL) – One of hundreds of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant

Progestin or Progesterone Related Isomers:

1.       17α-Allyl-19-nortestosterone – a form of progestin (synthesized progesterone) that was never marketed

2.       20α-Dihydrodydrogesterone – a type of progestin and is the active form of the drug dydrogesterone (a progestin medication) after it has been processed by the body (metabolite). 

3.       5α-Dihydrolevonorgestrel – the metabolite of the progestin drug levonorgestrel (a hormonal medication used for birth control)

4.       5α-Dihydroethisterone – the metabolite of a clinically used but discontinued progestin ethisterone, a drug intended to treat gynecological disorders.

5.       Metynodiol- a steroidal progestin that was never marketed

6.       Progesterone – a sex hormone involved in the human menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and the embryonic development  of humans and other species

7.       Retroprogesterone - a progesterone that was never marketed

8.       17α-Methyl-19-norprogesterone – a progesterone that was never marketed

Steroidal Estrogen Related Isomers:

1.       Hydroxytibolones

a.       3α-Hydroxytibolone- a synthetic steroidal estrogen that was never marketed

b.       3β-Hydroxytibolone - a synthetic steroidal estrogen that was never marketed

Anabolic Steroid Related Isomers:

1.       Vinyltestosterone – a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid, which has similar effects on the human body as testosterone.  It was never marketed.

In summary, there are a total of fifteen common isomers with this molecular formula in the list above.  Of the fifteen, five (one-third) are related to the cannabis plant and ten (two-thirds) are related to some type of endocrine system hormone, which is considered a regulator, signaling, or simply stated, a control hormone.  In the hormone group, five are related to progesterone or the synthesized progestin (a female hormone), two are synthetic steroidal estrogens (used in female hormone replacement therapies and are known to be human carcinogens), and one is a synthetic anabolic steroid (male hormone).   This is a coincidence that needs to be fully investigated; it may be a red warning flag for mankind to heed.

Cannabinoids, Isomers, and Acetylation Simplified Version-1/25/22
CBD, which is now federally legal today, can be converted --or "isomerized"--into various THC derivatives. These derivatives are also being made 3 times stronger by the "acetylation" process.

Because of the isomerization and acetylation processes, federally legal CBD-based products are getting people mentally and physically impaired. Today, any person can easily purchase CBD derived Delta-8-THC, Delta-10-THC, and acetylated THC products, such as vape cartridges, either locally or online.

How does the chemistry happen exactly? Let me explain...
Simplified CBD Isomers and Acetylated TH[...]
Microsoft Word document [60.5 KB]
Delta 8-THC, Delta 10-THC, and THC-O Acetate
How will history look upon a society that passively allows the manufacture, sale, and use of the following mind-altering substances?
1. A chemical synthesized from a surplus plant material using an acid and an organic solvent, such as toluene, which is usually used in the manufacture of paint products. This chemical may exists naturally in the plant but at very low levels, if at all; therefore it must be synthesized for mass production.
2. A chemical rediscovered by a random accident and resulted from the extraction and distillation of plant material in the presence of a fire retardant used to extinguish forest fires. This chemical does not occur naturally.
3. A chemical also synthesized using not only an acid and an organic solvent but by also using a very toxic chemical needed to co
Delta 810THC and THC-O Acetate-JJL-1-21-[...]
Microsoft Word document [83.5 KB]