23, 2022 |
HOUR 1 |
HOUR 2 |
Hour 1: A Declaration of Independence from
Unchecked Technological Tyranny |
Scott Cleland
is Executive Director of the Restore Us
Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit that
educates the public about Internet
accountability problems and solutions. Cleland
was Deputy U.S. Coordinator for International
Communication and Information Policy in the H.W.
Bush Administration. To learn more, visit
Declaration of Independence from Unchecked
Technological Tyranny
By Scott Cleland |
“unfettered free and open Internet” policy originally made sense to
nurture a promising nascent Internet experiment. But as the past
quarter century has proven, a permanent trajectory of anarchic
impunity to harm others for a mature Internet is mindless madness.
There is no liberty, equality, or justice in
anarchy. It is past time to civilize America’s “Wild West” Internet
policy. It’s time for “We the People” to call for full restoration
of constitutional authority over the U.S. Internet.
There are three chief tyrannies of U.S. Internet unaccountability
policy. First, it inhumanely prioritizes protecting technology over
protecting people. Second, it unjustly grants technology impunity
over people. Third, it disruptively empowers technology to control
and govern people without any rights, due process, or access to
220 years after America’s founders declared independence from King
George’s tyranny, our government in 1996 unwittingly imposed a
revolutionary and utopian technology policy experiment on Americans
without the consent of the governed.
It was a benign experiment in 1996, when the Internet was an
electronic bulletin board used by a small percent of Americans an
average of 30 minutes per month. A well-intentioned, bipartisan
consensus abdicated government authority over the nascent Internet
to accelerate the Internet’s buildout and adoption. It succeeded at
that goal.
However fast forward to 2022, U.S. Internet policy is now outdated,
anarchy on autopilot that is disruptively infusing and integrating
into most everything, everyone does everywhere for work, life, and
As a result, Internet harms are out of control. For example, most
Americans or a loved one have been victims of either cyber-attacks,
cyber-bullying, or cybercrime. 100,000 Americans have died from
fentanyl overdoses per the White House in large part because 97% of
pharmacies online are illegal per the FDA.
Why is it important for American
citizens to declare independence from unchecked technology?
First, the history of five Administrations, thirteen Congresses, and
seventeen Supreme Court Justices together—neglecting to protect
people and minors from attacks, harms, and crimes online—screams
that technology and corporate interests captivate U.S. Internet
policy and that people don’t matter online.
Second, for a quarter century there’s been no meaningful oversight
or review of the results of this unaccountability policy experiment
on autopilot.
That national negligence spotlights how America is devolving away
from constitutional government of the people, by the people, for the
people, to unchecked government of technology and money, by
technology and money, for technology and money.
Third, America’s founding Declaration of Independence is the
original source and legitimacy of people not tolerating tyranny, of
the American people’s “unalienable rights,” and of “the right of the
people to alter or abolish” “any form of government that becomes
America’s double standard of Constitutional authority and
accountability offline but approved anarchy online has proven
destructively divisive and disruptive throughout America.
Fourth, our Constitution empowers citizens to exercise their First
Amendment rights to freely speak, assemble, and petition our
government. Thus, We the People grassroots are the most legitimate
and essential driver to restore Constitutional authority over the
U.S. Internet.
Fifth, an independence petition with twenty grievances empowers
citizens with a peaceable and civil voice individually and together
to publicly declare their desire to live free and independent from
unchecked technological tyranny.
Sixth, America’s online anarchy policy subverts most everything good
offline in America and Americans. We need freedom and independence
from self-defeating Internet policy that nonsensically makes America
its own worst enemy.
Finally, seldom does
the future of our country pivot on one policy. However,
here it does.
Current Internet
policy sets the default authority for much of America as
ungoverned, unaccountable rule-of-code. If modernized
and rationalized, future Internet policy would reset the
default authority as Constitution limited-government and
Where Internet policy goes, so goes America’s future.
Do Americans want the 21st Century
to empower technology to control and govern people, or
to empower people to control and govern technology?
Restore Us Institute’s national petition of a
Declaration of Independence from Unchecked Technological
Tyranny, offers a time-tested solution of restoring
Constitutional authority over the U.S Internet that can
bring more hope and confidence in our futures.
Most Americans and their government know the Internet is
rife with out-of-control problems. However, what they
don’t know is their universal cause is U.S. Internet
unaccountability policies that enable the worst in us,
government, and America.
Not knowing the cause of the problem blinds Americans
and their government from seeing the opportunity of a
universal solution and cure for the chaos the government
is causing itself.
The solution and cure is the Government doing its sworn
duty “to support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”
in restoring full Constitutional authority over the U.S.
Internet in U.S. policy.
Same rules and rights offline-online. Equal protection
under the law. Illegal offline illegal online.
to the article: https://townhall.com/columnists/scottcleland/2022/09/21/draft-n2613362
Hour 2: ""Does the World Face an
Underpopulation Problem?" with Marian L. Tupy
Marian L. Tupy is
a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute's Center for
Global Liberty and Prosperity, and co-author (with Gale
L. Pooley) of the new book, Superabundance:
The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human
Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet (Cato
Institute, August 31, 2022). To learn more, visit www.Superabundance.com Marian
is also the co-author of Ten Global Trends Every Smart
Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find
Interesting He is co-author of the Simon Abundance
Index, and editor of the webisite HumanProgress.org |
Does the World Face an Underpopulation Problem?
By Marian L. Tupy |
“There are not enough
people. I can’t emphasize this enough ... And I think
one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low
birth rate and the rapidly declining birth rate,” argued the
Tesla CEO Elon Musk last year. He has returned to the
subject of “population collapse” on several subsequent
occasions. Contrast Musk’s position with that of the
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who told her
Instagram viewers that “It is basically a scientific
consensus that the lives of our children are going to be
very difficult, and it does lead young people to have a
legitimate question: is it OK to still have children?” |
Humans impact the world in both good and bad ways. In a
new book, Superabundance:
The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human
Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet, my
co-author and I have revisited a subject that’s
intimately connected to population growth: resource
scarcity. This debate goes back to the 5th century
BC, with both Confucians and the Greeks agreeing that
population growth needed to be controlled lest excessive
fecundity overwhelmed the food supply and famine
ensued. The English prelate, Thomas Malthus,
resurrected the idea in his influential Essay on the
Principle of Population in 1798, and people have
been arguing about the advisability of population growth
ever since.
The debate has given us the Chinese one-child policy
(1980–2015) and mass sterilizations during India’s
Emergency (1975–1977). HBO’s Bill Maher joked a
couple years back that “the great under-discussed factor
in the climate crisis is there are just too many of us
and we use too much shit.” More seriously, Patrick
Crusius, the shooter of 22 people in an El Paso Walmart
wrote, “Our lifestyle is destroying the environment of
our country. But god damn most of y’all are just too
stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical
step is to decrease the number of people in America
using resources. If we can get rid of enough people,
then our way of life can become more sustainable.” The
stakes, in other words, are as high as they have ever
The relative scarcity of resources is typically measured
by looking at prices. If prices rise, resources are
deemed to be getting scarcer, and, if they fall, more
abundant. The media sometimes scare their readers by
reporting “nominal” prices (hence all the headlines
about food and fuel prices
being at a record highs), rather than “real” prices,
which take into account inflation. It was on the
inflation-adjusted prices of five metals that the
Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich and the
University of Maryland economist Julian Simon bet $1,000
in 1980. If the real prices went down over the next
decade, they agreed, Ehrlich would pay Simon. If they
went up, Simon would pay Ehrlich. Ehrlich lost.
The problem with real prices is that they ignore changes
in incomes. Typically, though not always, individual
incomes increase faster than inflation. That’s because
people tend to grow more productive over their lifetimes
and across time. Contrast the productivity of workers
equipped with shovels and those driving giant
excavators. While real prices are measured in dollars
and cents, time prices are measured in hours and
minutes. To calculate a time price, all you need to do
is to divide the nominal price of a good or service by
the nominal hourly income. That tells you how long you
must work to afford something.
Consider U.S. manufacturing workers. Between 1900 and
2018, the time prices of pork, rice, cocoa, wheat, corn,
coffee, lamb and beef fell by 98.4%, 97.6%, 97.1%,
96.7%, 96.1%, 93.8%, 78.6% and 75.5% respectively. That
means that the same length of time that bought 1 pound
of each commodity, now buys 62.6, 41.1, 34.8, 30.5,
25.6, 16.2, 4.7 and 4 pounds. While people cannot eat
rubber, aluminum, potash or cotton, the prices of these
commodities are valuable inputs in the production
processes that impact the prices of goods and services,
and hence the overall standard of living. Their time
prices fell by 99.4%, 98.9%, 98.2% and 95.8%
respectively. All the while, the population of the
United States rose from 23 million to 328 million.
What happened to global time prices of resources? They
fell by 84 percent between 1960 and 2018. The personal
resource abundance of the average inhabitant of the
globe rose from 1 to 6.27 or 527 percent. Put
differently, for the same time of work that he or she
could buy one item in the basket of resources we looked
at, he or she can now get more than six. Over that
58-year period, the world’s population increased from 3
billion to 7.6 billion.
Surprisingly, we also found that personal resource
abundance increased faster than population in all 18
randomly chosen datasets that we analyzed. We call that
relationship “superabundance.” On average, every
additional human being created more value than he or she
consumed. But how does all that superabundance happen?
Musk offered a clue to the answer in the above-mentioned
speech. He noted that “I don’t know that we should
really try to live for a super long time. It is
important for us to die because most of the times people
don’t change their mind, they just die.”
Superabundance, in other words, is a product of the
human mind. It is ideas that lead to inventions, which,
after they have been tested in the marketplace, lead to
innovations that drive economic growth and increase the
standard of living.
But large populations are not enough to produce
superabundance—just think of the poverty in China and
India before liberalization. To innovate, people must
be allowed to think and to act. Such people can create
tremendous value.
In conclusion, the world is a closed system in the way
that a piano is a closed system. The instrument has
only 88 keys, but those keys can be played in a nearly
infinite variety of ways. The same applies to our
planet. The Earth’s atoms may be fixed, but the
possible combinations of those atoms are infinite. What
matters is not the physical limits of our planet, but
human ability to reimagine the use of resources that we
already have.
Link to the article: https://townhall.com/columnists/mariantupy/2022/09/18/does-the-world-face-an-underpopulation-problem-n2613218