Sunday – June
the 17th,
decide whether we will support President Trump by helping
him to return sound government and moral values to our
Nation as outlined by our Forefathers, or allow the
continued decay of our country; whether we will hold our
elected officials responsible to US, or allow the continued
disrespect for constitutional values and principles. I am
challenging each citizen across our Land to confront each
candidate, whether incumbent or not, whether Republican and
announced conservative or not, whether for local office,
county office, state-wide or national office, confront and
stand strong asking the following questions politely but
demanding an answer along the lines of what I also have
written as guidelines for answers:
What is the proper role of government?
Our Founders were clear that government was
to reflect the will of the people. It is
the people who give government its authority. And when
elected officials no longer represent the will of the
people, they no longer represent what our Founders
established as a foundational principle for the formation of
our government.
As an elected public official, you will be
required to take an oath to uphold and preserve the
Constitution of the United States. When was the last-time
you took a serious look at the Constitution? Can you
identify one or two areas where the Constitution is being
violated today?
Our Founders pledged their lives and their
fortunes to establish and uphold the Constitution of the
United States. They did not pledge to merely acknowledge
and talk around the Constitution, and to play “safe” so they
could be reelected, with reelection a primary factor in
their decision-making. We have too many in public office;
whether at the city council level or higher, who value
reelection and preferred parking spaces to defending the
Constitution and representing the will of the people. Too
many public officials who care more about pleasing money and
special interest groups for reelection than speaking for the
nameless citizens who voted them into office initially.
What are your views about public debt? What
is your opinion of using debt and how it should be
Our Forefathers warned about debt; it should
be paid by the generation that created it! Any public
official who endorses expenditures adding to debt should be
viewed most cautiously and confronted.
What is your view on unalienable rights
stated by Jefferson in the Declaration?
Our Forefathers understood, publicly
proclaimed, and even had their collective beliefs written
into our founding documents that our rights are given by our
Creator, NOT by government. Our inalienable rights cannot
be taken by man without coming under the judgement of God.
Your candidate’s answer to this critical question will shed
light on his/her philosophy of governing, as well as their
principles and values.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral
and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the
government of any other.
Our Forefathers understood that solutions
should be based on morality and virtue. Our public
officials of the past understood that overruling our
founding documents also meant overruling the Word of God
since the foundation of America was based on Judeo-Christian
principles. To create new laws to nullify the laws of God
and create or encourage a new morality to nullify the
standards our Forefathers viewed as immutable was to invite
an overall breakdown of what our very foundation and
development as a Nation was. Social Marxism promotes the
shunning of God for the endorsement and allegiance to the
all-powerful State.
begin to confront those seeking public office, and are now
holding the same. We must confront their beliefs to the
aforesaid questions, and continue standing until the
questions are answered. Failure to ask those seeking
elective office is only promoting the option that this
Nation so conceived will perish from the face of the earth.
Mr. Trump understands this, and decided to leave his
well-earned luxury life for what he is experiencing now.
What are you prepared to give up to maintain your freedoms?
an Intelligence and Threat Assessment Specialist who has
provided selected members of the Arizona State Legislature
briefings and consultations on matters dealing with Border
Security and associated threats to State sovereignty from
May 2010, to April 2018. His briefings, reports, and
consultations have grown to include elected and law
enforcement officials in states across the country, and he
is the author of many White Papers and Intelligence Reports
that have been received at local, state, and national
levels. Dr. Rapacki is also the author of the Amazon Kindle
Booklet: “Our
Forefathers Truly Appealed to Heaven”
Kindle $5. He writes for several national online Christian
platforms, and is sounding the Shofar of Warning to the
Remnant Church of the challenges and threats coming.